A new project to establish a sports medicine service

The bill begins to make its way through the legislative arena. Promoted by Rep. Martin Cesinho, it is proposed to establish a sports medicine service in the Dr. Ramon Madariaga Health Park.

A new project will enter this Thursday in County Legislature For subsequent treatment. It is submitted to the Health and Social Security Committee of the Missionary Parliament. The bill proposes to establish a sports medicine service in Health Park. Its goal is to promote the safe practice of sport, prevention, diagnosis and treatment.. Just as Rehabilitation of injuries and diseases Derived from sporting activity.

If approved, This service will be responsible for providing comprehensive clinical care, helping to prevent sports-related injuries or illnesses. The idea is Improving the performance and physical, nutritional and mental capabilities of the athlete, and conducting studies to determine the patient’s fitness and performance status.

In addition, the service will promote the safe practice of sport, detect pre-existing diseases that interfere with exercise, and develop monitoring, recovery and rehabilitation programmes. The treatment will also provide physical, nutritional and psychological support to the patient.

The project is being promoted by MP Martin Cecino

Sports medicine service Thinking about integrating specialists in different fieldsIt will have a dedicated area, equipped with the necessary technology, supplies and human resources. The draft law also stipulates that space must produce and promote research, development and innovation in the field of biomedicine and biotechnology. Its implementing authority will be the Ministry of Public Health.

Project basics

Among the foundations of this project is that:Sports are an essential tool for community development“Both in physical and social terms. However, it should be noted that highly competitive sport represents a problematic activity in the field of health promotion, because by its nature it involves major risks such as controlling its intensity and the possibility of injuries.”Athletes, especially in the competitive field, have high demands“, he points to.

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If approved, the sports medicine service will be established at the Dr. Ramon Madariaga Health Park in Posadas

In light of this particular problem, this bill seeks to establish a sports medicine service “with the aim of promoting the safe practice of sport, and the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and circulatory systems”. The respiratory and muscular systems. everyone They are produced during or after sports activity, ensuring equal and timely access to high-quality medical services of different complexity.with a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach.

Comprehensive care for athletes

Among the most prominent principles highlighted is that “this service will not only provide comprehensive, multidisciplinary and specialized clinical care, but will also contribute to improving the performance and physical, nutritional and mental capabilities of the athlete.” In this way the project It aims to strengthen state action, creating a tool of great importance for the health of people who exercise, especially high performers.“.

And finally, the initiative The province recognizes the right of every missionary to participate in any type of sport. As sports are considered an integral part of state policies. It is therefore essential to have a complete health strategy. Especially taking into account its beneficial effects on biological, psychological and social aspects.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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