The trick to sharing your Netflix account without paying for additional profiles or losing access

Netflix hits, but doesn’t sink. Although the platform has already launched in Spain the contracting of additional profiles or sub-accounts, for users in locations other than subscribers, and yesterday the deadline for creating the main account expired, The platform has not left those who want to continue sharing their accounts without options. A practice that Netflix, by the way, has encouraged for years.

Until now, the only usage limit was the number of simultaneous screens the subscription allowed, but as of today, devices using the same account must Connect to the wifi network it is set as The main site.

Earlier this month, Netflix briefly posted information in its US support department that devices need to connect to the network at least once a month in order to continue using the account. The company was corrected almost immediately before the controversy arose, but for now it can be read in Netflix Help Center for Spain Subscribers who have a second home or travel frequently will need to open the Netflix app on their mobile device while connected to their primary location’s Wi-Fi. once a month And also at the time of access to the second site. ” Therefore, the limit is 1 month current.

From this main site, Netflix controls that accounts are not shared with households other than subscribers. As indicated on its support page, the platform does not use data GPS to determine if the device is connected to the primary site but information such as “IP addresses, device identifiers, and account activity“. from here Netflix Specifies a “general location (such as city, state/province, zip code).”

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When Netflix detects that an account is being shared across multiple homes, it will give the option, on Standard and Premium plans, to hire up to Two sub accounts at €5.99 per month each For use on websites other than the main site. If not contracted, devices that do not connect to the primary site will lose access.

So you can continue to share your Netflix account

With this panorama, it appears that Netflix has permanently closed the doors to sharing accounts, But this is not the case. The key is how you should configure the main site and this task This can only be done from a TV with the Netflix app installed. This cannot be done through the web or from the app on a mobile phone or tablet.

What if you don’t have a smart TV with the Netflix app? The company makes this clear in its Help Center by answering the question “Set up a home site without a TV: If you don’t watch Netflix on TV or don’t have one, you don’t need to set up a primary site for your account. And if no primary site is set, Netflix cannot be set Which is not.

So, those who use Netflix on their smartphone or tablet, They are not subject to the same restrictions as users who use the app on their TV.

Now, can something be done to share the account and continue watching Netflix on TV? Yes, the company has also left an open wing in this aspect, which is that, as with the application on mobile phones and tablets, access to the web does not require the creation of a main site and does not have the options to do so. So, Connect a laptop to a TV and access Netflix from a browserthe account escapes the obligation of its creation and the consequences thereof.

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It’s possible that in the future Netflix will expand the home site setting to its Android and iOS apps in addition to accessing the web, but for now I left those doors open.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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