3 Aspects to Consider • Red Forbes • Forbes México

By: Olivia Segura

The shortage of medical personnel has emerged as one of the main challenges in Mexico and throughout the world, according to various studies. The asymmetry between demand and supply for medical care services shows that this challenge is still valid in different latitudes and is not limited to our country.

The availability of talent and the attractiveness of the profession in the digital age

The shortage of medical personnel has become one of the main challenges at the level, as indicated by the World Health Organization, the World Health Organization, to meet the supply of health services globally by 2030. Mexico has 2.4 doctors per 1000 inhabitants, which, although it is higher than the average 2 physicians in Latin America and the Caribbean, it is less than the OECD average of 3.5 physicians per 1,000 population, according to the National Occupational and Employment (ENOE) survey from INEGI. It is worth considering whether the attractiveness of the profession has waned from a cultural and social perspective, particularly in the digital age where the immediacy of professional growth and recognition, as well as work-life balance seem to be at odds with what it takes to craft a career in the medical field.

As a society, are we leading to the fact that the new generations are not willing to allocate the hours of study required to adopt the various degrees of specialization in medical personnel? Are unsustainable models of immediate and financial “career” success recognized and celebrated for the majority, in new generations aspiring to jobs? influencerscontent creators in social networks, merchants Cryptocurrency or digital assets?

The obsolescence of traditional work schedules, the so-called 9-to-5 p.m. jobs, as well as the need for flexibility in not only schedules but also mobility, are challenging the traditional work models required by the medical profession. The profession of the medical staff and the commitment required in many cases do not have a fixed schedule, as medical emergencies or patient care go beyond the so-called work-life balance, because health and safety are in the hands of the staff. The lives of people who depend on quality and timely care. Telemedicine, which is still in its infancy, could be an alternative to providing this flexibility of care to both medical staff and patients, but staff who provide care in person and who are physically dependent on being present at medical centers and hospitals will still be essential.

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compensation and recognition

In addition to the above, wage levels are also a major challenge to maintain the attractiveness of the profession. According to the ENOE study, people working as doctors earn a monthly average of $17,422 (Bachelor’s), $21,041 (Master’s), and $26,695 (PhD) Mexican pesos. This does not seem to make the effort at the time and sacrifices that the medical profession in Mexico is lucrative. The benefits don’t seem to make a strong difference in favor of the profession either, with 85% enjoying access to health institutions as a job benefit as paid doctors, and 89% enjoying other types of benefits such as birthday bonuses and paid holidays. The advantage may be job stability given the lack of talent in the sector and that 93% have a written contract, basic contract, factory or for an indefinite period.

Compared to neighboring countries such as the USA or Canada, the field of work for this profession becomes very attractive as the compensation is among the top 5 in the world (in 2nd and 5th places respectively) according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Average salaries are much higher: $350,300 and $249,000 per year for medical specialists in the US and Canada respectively, $242,400 and $158,200 for general practitioners compared to $28,102 and 21 ,341 USD per year on average in Mexico. Similarly, in Spanish-speaking countries, where English proficiency is not so much challenged by the flight of Mexican talent, there is also more attractive compensation in OECD countries in Europe and Central and South America: $90,854 in Spain, $80,856 in Chile and $47,525 Dollars in Costa Rica for medical specialists and general practitioners: $79,479 in Spain, $48,509 in Chile, and $42,535 in Costa Rica.

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Infrastructure and business tools

Finally, it is necessary to think about the work tools and supplies that must be available in health care centers so that employees can provide appropriate medical care. In this sense, the pandemic showed that for remote workers it was a danger to the operation and health of employees who do not have basic items such as a computer, comfortable chair, internet connection and electricity, but to meet the needs of doctors. Individuals, have the needs for work tools been disclosed? It seems clear that workers in hospitals, clinics, laboratories and other facilities have the infrastructure, medicines and tools, but in some media cases they have made it clear that this does not always happen and that conditions are not ideal. Collaboration between the public and private sectors seems to be part of the solution if we consider the success story of uniting efforts during the most critical moments of the health crisis deriving from COVID-19 to provide medical care. An essential component of the talent value proposition is to provide tools and inputs so that they can carry out their activities and to provide the necessary training so that they develop the skills required to continue growing professionally and talent in the health sector should not be an exception.

The health sector has not been exempt from innovation in the digital age, and the adoption of new technologies has historically been a welcome move to advance medical science. However, having human talents to provide medical care in various specialties and nursing personnel is still a necessity and its scarcity is a challenge. Reflecting as a community, educational institutions and business leaders on the value of the profession and how we can individually and collectively recognize its contribution to protecting the health and lives of people will be essential to promoting that new generations consider this sector to develop and. Prevent the talent you are currently forming from escaping.

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INEGI’s National Survey of Occupations and Employment (ENOE). EAP_Medico2021.docx (live.com)

Global Strategy for Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030, World Health Organization.

(fountain: Health care resource: wages for health professionals (oecd.org); Top 10 Paying Doctors Countries – Medic Footprints

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this writing are those of the signatories to the article and do not necessarily represent the thoughts and opinions of KPMG Mexico.

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Olivia Segura, Human Resources and Talent Management Consulting Partner at KPMG in Mexico

Opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of their authors and are completely independent of the position and editorial line of Forbes Mexico.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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