Yucatecan students travel to the United States and Canada to improve their English

– In groups, young Yucatecans began traveling to prestigious universities in those countries for short stays as part of an international mobility program.

-This year, 500 students will have this opportunity that contributes to their professional and personal growth.

Mérida, Yucatan, February 11, 2024.- Yucatecan students have begun traveling to prestigious universities in the United States and Canada to practice and improve their English language skills, as part of the International Mobility Program, which in 2024 will offer this wonderful opportunity to a total of 500 outstanding young people from public and private institutions. .

From February 1 to 14, the first groups of students benefiting from the scheme promoted by Governor Mauricio Villa Dosal will depart for their universities, with the aim of having a short stay abroad and obtaining an academic and cultural experience that will advance your professional and personal energy. growth.

The first group of young people left for Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada, while a second group of students traveled to Camosun College in the Canadian city of Victoria, and in the coming days they will meet others who will be at Indiana University in Pennsylvania.

It must be remembered that this year's State Program also includes providing this opportunity to 50 Yucatecan teachers from basic, higher secondary and tertiary education institutions to enhance their skills and language teaching methodologies at Lakehead University during a 3-week stay in Canada; In addition to 5 graduate students who will spend one year studying their master's degree at the University of Regina in Canada as well.

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As promised by Governor Vila Dosal, in 2022, 170 young people will be sent abroad; In 2023, that number doubled to 340 young people, and this year the number reached 500 young people, 50 teachers and 5 young people studying for a master’s degree with everything paid, as the state government covers the costs of air travel, accommodation and expenses. Their university course and food, so they don't have to spend more.

Of the total number of university students benefiting, 319 are women and 182 are men; They belong to the municipalities of Texcocop, Honocma, Mérida, Tecoh, Temucoy, Chamael, Valladolid, Tecate, Yaxcocol, Aman, Dzidzanton, Hohe, Tecol, Progreso, Oxcocap, Izamal, Pito and Texaque.

They will reside for 3 weeks at the universities of Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Notre Dame in the United States and Regina, Saskatchewan, McGill, Simon Fraser and Lakehead as well as St. Lawrence, Camosun, Cambrian and Manitoba International Schools, in Canada.

Regarding the total of graduate students, 4 women and 1 man, coming from the municipalities of Valladolid and Mérida, holding degrees in Dental Surgery, Multimedia Design, International Relations, Data Engineering, and Physics Engineering, who will benefit from one year of full residence at the University of Regina. in Canada.

While 50 English teachers will travel, 19 of them men and 31 women, divided into 17 basic schools, 7 secondary schools and 28 other high schools, coming from 20 municipalities such as Mérida, Acansi, Aquil, Chamael, Dzidzanton, Huhí, Hunucmá, Izamal, Oxkutzcab, Progreso, Tekax, Telchaquillo. , Ticul, Timucuy, Tixkokob, Ucú, Umán, Valladolid, Xcunyá and Yaxkukul. Teachers will stay for 3 weeks at Lakehead University.

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Sacha Woodward

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