WhatsApp will replace social networks with these new functions

The function of organizing events in communities is enabled. (WhatsApp)

WhatsApp has added a new feature that allows its users to organize an event directly in the community. Thanks to this option called Events, it is now easier to plan a virtual meeting or dinner to celebrate a birthday.

Any participant in Community You can create an event and others can respond to it so the whole group knows who's attending. Guests can also find the event on the group's information page, and attendees will automatically receive a notification when the date is approaching.

with events, WhatsApp It becomes a more complete platform by incorporating functionality that helps with everyday tasks, such as managing meeting attendance. In this way, social networks that do not have similar functionality can take a back seat.

Currently, events are only available to communities. (WhatsApp)

If you are interested in organizing an event with the help of WhatsApp communities, consider the following steps:

1. Open the chat of the community that interests you.

2. Go to the paperclip icon next to the camera.

3. Choose “Create Event”.

4. Add your meeting details such as name, date, time and/or link if virtual.

5. Click “Submit”.

This feature is only available to communities, however, WhatsApp confirms that it plans to expand it to groups.

Societies are made up of different groups. (WhatsApp)

Communities are spaces where groups with similar interests come together. For example, a community could be all the groups or teams that make up a company.

You can create a WhatsApp community of up to 100 groups. The notification group will be automatically created for your community. This is a space where those managing the community can send messages to all members of the community.

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To create a community, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Communities tab.

2. Click New Community.

3. Type the name of the community. You can also add your own description and community photo.

  • The community name can be a maximum of 100 characters.
  • The description should give members an idea of ​​what the community is about.
  • To add a photo to the community, click Add community photo. To add a photo, you can choose to take a photo, upload a photo, emoji, sticker, or search the internet. When you select a photo, it will appear next to the community name in the Chats tab.

4. Click on the submit icon.

Please note that it is not currently possible to create a community in the WhatsApp Business app. It's also important to keep in mind that you can only add up to 2,000 members to new or existing communities and community notification groups.

In the Communities notifications group, admins can leave notifications. (WhatsApp)

WhatsApp Communities represents an advancement in the way users communicate and collaborate on the app. Unlike traditional groups, this feature introduced in 2022 focuses on organization, providing a dedicated space for discussions and activities around a specific topic.

One of the main differences between traditional societies and groups is the level of control and order they provide. Although managing groups can get messy and complicated, the conversations in this section are designed to be more structured and structured.

Administrators have advanced features, such as the ability to create and manage all communities, choose which groups they consist of, and manage individual members more effectively.

WhatsApp groups can get chaotic due to the constant influx of messages. (Illustrative image)

1. Click “New Chat” > “New Group”. If you already have a conversation in the Chats tab, click New Group.

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2. Search or select contacts to add to the group. Then click “Next”.

3. Enter a name for the group.

5. When finished, select Create.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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