WhatsApp: How do you know who is trying to read my conversations

There are several tricks for making use of WhatsApp (Image: Twitter)

Maybe you’ve ever been curious to watch conversations The WhatsApp To others, therefore Know if someone has read to you. Although the messaging service does not allow any option, here we show you two ways to find out if a curious person would like to read your conversations.

The most comfortable way to communicate with our best friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances is through social networks or platforms like WhatsApp. Although it is limited – compared to Telegram – being one of the most used apps, it has a higher number of Hacks Available.

One of them is Know if someone is trying to read your messages. The advantage of these methods is that They will allow you to take a picture of the user, So you can know for sure who he is.

Like other tricks, It will be necessary to download the application You will only be asked to access the front camera to be able to take a picture of whoever picked up your cell phone to see your conversations.

WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app (Image: Europa Press / Archive)
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app (Image: Europa Press / Archive)

Before downloading the Lockwatch app Your packs should do this:

– Login Settings Powered by WhatsApp.

– Choose an option law Project And after that Privacy.

– Scroll to the bottom where you can find an option Fingerprint lock And activate it.

Go to the app store and download it Lock clock.

Once installed, you must open it and configure between the number of failed attempts to enter WhatsApp you should take a selfie.

The apps will take pictures of the person trying to see the information on your mobile phone (Image: Cuartoscuro)
The apps will take pictures of the person trying to see the information on your mobile phone (Image: Cuartoscuro)

– Explain in the app that if someone wants to access your messaging service one time, take a pictureSo you will know who is spying on you.

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Although the fingerprint is enabled to read your messages, you can prevent others from entering the application, but this method will give you certainty of knowing who is the person who wants to see them, Also if your cell phone is stolen, you will be able to find out who the thief is And even pick it up, because if it is not unlocked in less than 10 seconds, the app can locate the phone using a GPS that is sent to an email.

Another app that can be very useful is The third eye, Which has a simple and streamlined usage.

Similar to Lockwatch, the app It will take a photo of the person trying to access the mobile phone after making a mistake with the code, PIN, pattern or password you created.

So you can know if your jealous partner or family member is trying to see your phone and WhatsApp chats. With filming, the evidence will be indisputable.

Photo of a mobile phone with the WhatsApp technology application logo (EFE / Marcelo Sayão / File)
Photo of a mobile phone with the WhatsApp technology application logo (EFE / Marcelo Sayão / File)

To access the stickers in a public way from a programThen, the user must click the icon in the form of a sticker that appears next to the text box when they are in a conversation, then they have to press the (+) button that appears in the upper right, and finally download any combination on the small arrow next to each package.

Although it is in the sticker store The WhatsApp There are collections of stickers that can be downloaded for each country, a new procedure has been discovered to download stickers of any country in the world on your cell phone in a graceful and simple way.

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The WhatsApp It was acquired in 2014 by the popular social networking service Facebook, a company created and led by programmer and entrepreneur Mark Elliott Zuckerberg.

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Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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