What happened to the giant iceberg that sank the Titanic?

We know the sad fate of the ocean liner, but little about the iceberg that ran into it

Sinking RMS Titanic It is one of the most famous, if not the most famous, marine disasters ever, and although it occurred more than a century ago, it is still an interesting one.

One-way trip

Tragedy Titanic took place on the night of April 14-15, 1912When the British Ocean ship was making its maiden voyage between Southampton and New York.

The journey cannot end as it collides with an iceberg off the coast Newfoundland in the North Atlantic.

On board the ship was traveling 2,200 peopleOf the crew and passengers, only 700 of them survivedThis is because the ship completely sank and there were not enough lifeboats.

And although we might think that people who fell into the sea could have survived by floating or swimming, The water was at -2 ° C Because the rescue was not so fast, those who did not drown likely died of hypothermia.

Solid water and liquid water

This part of the Atlantic is undoubtedly very cold and icebergs are common, and although it seems paradoxical, a century later, due to climate change, there is a lot more to that region.

Los Icebergs They are chunks of ice separating from glaciers: So it may be more common now that the planet’s average temperature has risen and glaciers are slowly collapsing.

Glaciers They threw huge chunks of ice into the sea, like the one that struck Titanic. Icebergs float because water increases in size when it becomes solid, that is, when it freezes, so the ice has Less density than liquid water.

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This peculiarity of water favored that life in water bodies could exist even in very cold climatesIn lakes only the upper part freezes, and at the bottom the fish can continue swimming. But this was not good for the Titanic.

Iceberg on which Titanic might collide

minute of silence

We know what happened to the ship, its passengers and crew, that fateful night it sank, but we know little about the iceberg that started the tragedy.

It must have been a very large iceberg, Although it is almost impossible to see it on a dark, moonless night, as it is known on April 14, 1912.

Survivors later described itBut of course no one stopped to take pictures of him. Although the graphical record of the iceberg is questionable, There are some pictures Around the days of drowning, Which is believed to be the infamous iceberg.

What is certain is that it must have stayed in the same place for a long time: these huge icebergs float adrift even over time, becoming part of the liquid water of the ocean.

We know that It can take huge icebergs Decades to melt completely And while the person who sank the Titanic was awesome, he must not have been around for long Maybe I floated a few years there, Until it melted and forgot, unlike the tragedy it caused.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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