US: Casado will offer to close the lines in Valencia, with Ayuso as protagonist this Saturday after landing from the US

09-29-2021 President of the People’s Party Pablo Casado (I) and former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy (D), during a table entitled “The Open Society and Its Enemies”, within the framework of the third day of the National Congress of the People’s Party, on September 29, 2021, in Madrid (Spain) ). On Wednesday, the People’s Party celebrates the third day of its National Congress. Among the guests of this day are the party’s national spokesperson and president. The day begins with a schedule entitled “The Post-Covid World” and continues with other events entitled “The Open Society and Its Enemies”, “More Society and Better Government”, “Culture and Feminism” and “Liberal Feminism” Politics Gustavo Valente – Europa Press

He wants to show his muscles with nearly 10,000 people in the bullring, a symbol of large gatherings at the time of the absolute majority of the People’s Party.

Madrid 2 (European Press)

The leader of the People’s Party, Pablo Casado, will seek a picture of unity with the regional “barons” and provincial positions at the conclusion of the National Congress of the People’s Party taking place this weekend in Valencia. On Saturday, one of the main protagonists will be President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who will travel to the seat that has just landed from her institutional trip to the United States.

The national leadership of the PPP is most concerned with the preparations for this last brochure of the agreement – which stopped for the first five days in Santiago, Valladolid, Madrid, Seville and Cartagena before arriving in Valencia – in which it is due to rise. The character and leadership of Pablo Casado as a “real alternative” to the government of Pedro Sánchez.

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The PP leader spent days preparing for an official speech full of “content”, according to sources in his environment, which he will deliver at the closing ceremony on Sunday in the Plaza de Toros de Valencia, the icon of the great PP rallies in his time of the absolute majority.

The People’s Party chose Plaza Valencia to show strength and power, as José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy did in the past with Rita Barbera, Eduardo Zaplana and Francisco Campes. In fact, the latter – who headed the Generalitat between 2003 and 2011 – confirmed that he would attend Sunday’s party, according to “popular” sources explained to Europa Press.

All the party’s regions and districts mobilize militants and rent buses to unite the Casado in Valencia, a spread the party has “always” done when it comes to a national congress or convention, according to “popular” sources. Leadership.

The bullring will not be at 100% of its capacity since capacity restriction measures in the Valencia community are in effect until October 8. Thus, Al-Shaabi will be able to fill up to 75% of the arena, so more than 9,000 people are expected to attend.

The General Secretary of the People’s Party, Teodoro García Igea, confirmed that on Sunday it would be possible to “transmit the image to Spain” that they have “a leader, a project and a team”. The new president of the Valencian party, Carlos Mazon, expressed himself in similar terms, who sees the October 3 closure as a “stepping stone for the future” and a “prelude to major changes” in Valencian society.

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Anticipation before the arrival of Ayusu

On Saturday in Valencia, the media focus will be on Ayuso, who has spent this week on a corporate trip to the US seeking investment and promoting the Madrid brand. There he had an intense agenda with daily statements like Wednesday at Telecinco ensuring that Casado is the “undisputed leader” of the People’s Party and the “change” Spain needs.

These kinds of demonstrations helped ease the internal tension this week from the conference after the pulse that started at the beginning of September when Ayuso announced that he would run for party leadership in Madrid and called for the Madrid conference. Genoa was strong and made it clear that this meeting will take place in 2022 with the approval of the National Board of Directors.

That trip to the United States prevented Ayuso from participating last Wednesday in the event the conference was held in Madrid with former French President Nicolas Sarkozy as a star guest. On that day, Casado gave a prominent position to the mayor of the capital, Jose Luis Martinez Almeida, and conveyed the image of unity by appearing seated next to former Madrid president Esperanza Aguirre, who two weeks earlier had called some of Genova’s “chiquilicuatres” positions.

This Saturday, Ayuso will share a table of regional chiefs with other “barons” of the People’s Party under the title “Freedom Governments” and there will also be two other tables, one for mayors and one for the provincial chiefs of the party. García Igea will open the first day in Valencia, in the Hall of Arts and Sciences.

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CASADO arrives in Valencia with the support of great references

Married arrived at the Plaza de Toros de Valencia with the support of former heads of government Mariano Rajoy and Jose Maria Aznar – the latter announced on Friday: “You will become head of government and you will also do well” – and from great international references such as former President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, or The former president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, who asked the leader of the People’s Party to win the elections “for the benefit of Spain and Europe”.

In the direction of the PP, they assert that the PP agreement is “successful” because it depicts the closing of ranks around Pablo Casado, not only for former heads of government but also for European leaders and guests of the shows, according to partisan sources explained to Europe Press.

Moreover, the Genoese consider that this fact reinforces the message of the People’s Party “to unify the center-right vote around the People’s Party”, making it clear at the secret meeting that they are “the real and suspended alternative to the government of Pedro Sanchez”, the same sources added.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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