UK Ambassador highlights FECI’s contribution to fighting corruption

Juan Francisco Sandoval, President of FECI. Photo: No Hora.

Today the UK Ambassador to Guatemala, Nick Whittingham, met with the Chief Special Prosecutor for Combating Impunity (FECI), Juan Francisco Sandoval, to highlight the unit’s efforts in combating corruption and impunity in Guatemalan institutions.

“It was a pleasure for me to meet Juan Francisco Sandoval and discuss the importance of fighting corruption for the rule of law and prosperity in Guatemala,” the UK ambassador wrote on his Twitter account.

Meeting before

On May 13, the two met virtually, and he said the conversation was about the anti-corruption sanctions that that country imposed on Congressman Philip Alejos, on April 26 of this year. “It gives me great pleasure to meet with Attorney General Juan Francisco Sandoval to talk about the work he is doing in Guatemala and learn about his valuable contributions to continuing to support the country,” Nick Whittingham explained at the time.

The other ambassadors show their support for FECI

On Monday, the European Union’s ambassador, Thomas Baker, announced by tweeting that other diplomats from that continent had met Juan Francisco Sandoval. He stressed that “an important meeting with the Head of the Special Prosecutor for Combating Impunity (FECI) Juan Francisco Sandoval with representatives of the member states of the European Union in Guatemala.”

On this occasion, German Ambassador Harald Klein and Swedish Ambassador Hans Magnusson were summoned and described the meeting as an “important meeting.”

Then the French embassy stressed its support for the prosecution, saying: “Together with the heads of missions of the European Union countries, we express our support for the FBI and the fight against corruption in Guatemala.”

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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