UJI is involved in an international educational innovation project with the University of Algoma in Canada

Castiel. (EP). Universitat Jaume I was the only Spanish university selected by the University of Algoma (Canada) to participate in Cooperative Online International Learning (COIL), an innovative educational project, also involving Soonchunhyang University in South Korea.

the teacher Anna Maria Quadros Ramos, From the Department of Economics, Professor Victor Del Corte, Laura, From the Department of Business Administration and Marketing, are two UJI professors chosen to join this international collaborative project, funded by Employment and Social Development Canada. The teachers participating in this project were selected from among many candidates from different universities in Spain, Austria, Korea, Germany, Japan and the USA.

Collaborative international online learning allows UJI to adapt to the current conditions of the pandemic and current mobility restrictions – a pilot funding project for innovation in mobility -. Although it is implemented during this second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year in default mode, the expectation is to allow face-to-face navigation in the future.

Generally speaking, COIL projects involve the joint development of courses or training programs by teachers from different countries. It is another measure in the strategy of internationalization to offer UJI training that will allow participating students to work with students from other universities in different countries, with the added value that this implies for their academic and personal training, as stated by the academic institution in a statement.

This program guarantees an international educational experience from the UJI classroom itself thanks to the interactive design of its content, and allows offering training exchange with universities from other countries in first-class courses thanks to its virtual format and becomes an experience before facilitating face-to-face mobility later.

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In this way, more options are available for UJI’s student body to benefit from an international internship experience. In addition, COIL has also become a tool for promoting Jaume I University among students from various continents.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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