Trump's lawyers seek to block the showing of The Apprentice

Lawyers of the former president Donald Trump (2017-2021) Sent a legal petition to the filmmakers 'the Apprentice' (“The Apprentice”) by Iranian director Ali Al-Abbasiin an attempt to prevent the release of the film they are accused of in the United States Interference in elections and defamationAccording to American media reported on Friday.

The film was released this week in Cannes Film Festivaldepicts the beginnings of the Pole in New York real estate in the 1970s and 1980s.

In a cease and desist letter (a legal form requesting a halt to the alleged misconduct), the former president's lawyers said that although the film was presented as an objective biography of Trump, “Nothing could be further from the truth”.

In the legal document, reported by the Washington Post, the lawyer said David A. Warrington He warned that the tapeIt is a combination of lies that repeatedly denigrates former President Trump and constitutes direct foreign interference in US elections“.

The three-page letter was sent last Wednesday to the producers and Abbasi, who said so during the screening of the film Trump “should see that before he starts denouncing us.”

“I wanted to step away from Trump today for a little bit because… If you look at his development he is a different person“, the director said at a press conference, and he is satisfied with the film You don't necessarily have to hate him For the former president. “I think you'll be surprised.”

But Warrington even attacked Sebastian Stan, Who embodies Trumpand Jeremy Strong, who plays attorney Roy Cohn, a key figure in Trump's rise and a friend of the most powerful.

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He also accuses the screenwriter Gabriel Shermana political journalist at Vanity Fair, for Trump Derangement Syndrome“For his attack on the president.

Trump campaign spokesman Stephen CheungShe had previously warned of taking legal action against the film, describing it as “…“Pure malicious distortion.”.

“This is rubbish Pure imagination provokes lies The spokesman added: “Which has lost its credibility for a long time.”

For his part, Abbasi is known for films such as 'Holy spider (2022) or “Borders” (2018), confirms that “The Apprentice” is not about Donald Trump, and jokes about the date of the premiere, which may be next September 15, coinciding with the second election debate between Joe Biden and Trump.

Terry Alexander

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