Tips for the best Bad Bunny and Real Madrid style WhatsApp channel

Channels are available globally. (WhatsApp)

WhatsApp He also seeks to become to request Where news and current events can be published and that is why it launched its function “Channels”It is a system that allows the dissemination of public messages Big audiences. In this way, both companies and celebrities or media outlets can have a new way to inform their followers.

Unlike groups Traditional chatChannels are a form One-way communicationwhich means that only Officials They will be able to write on it. Additionally, a channel can be managed by one or more people, and shared users cannot know who else belongs to it to ensure ownership. Privacy.

This tool is located in the tab “News”where we can find “state” At the top and “Channels” A little further down. It is precisely there where it will be possible to see the latest Updates And published messages.

This is the new look of the channels. (WhatsApp)

Popular platform Instant message He also highlighted the importance of the job “Search for channels”Which allows users to find active, popular and new channels; They are all country-specific to focus on local content, although profiles from other countries can also be followed without any restrictions.

When you enter a channel, you will be able to see all the messages that are sent through it. As a reader, it is only possible to share messages or leave feedback. You can also see the total number of followers and the total number of interactions for each message.

an idea WhatsApp is that anyone can create channels, although only personalities, brands, and media can do so at the moment.

Channels are a form of communication where only the owner of the space can publish posts. (information)

There are several steps to follow to create a channel, whether we are on a mobile device Android also iPhone. In both cases we must:

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– Open WhatsApp and go to the tab “News”.

– After that you have to click on the banner “+” Which is located on the right side of the function “Channels”.

– By clicking on New we will find the job “Create channel”instructions will appear on the screen and then you should touch it “Complete”.

– A new window will appear where you can add the channel name, as well as add a description and an eye-catching icon.

– To finish the process, we must click on “Create channel”.

In the case of users who need to do this from the browser, the following process is necessary:

– First, you must open WhatsApp Web and click on the icon “Channels”.

– Later, we should touch “+” And specify “Create a channel.”

-Once you get the instructions from the application, click on the option “Complete”.

– A new window will appear where you can add the channel name, as well as add a description and an eye-catching icon.

– Finally, you just have to touch “Create channel” The new WhatsApp channel will be ready to go.

On the other hand, if what you want is to leave the streaming channel and delete them all as well, you should follow these steps:

-The first thing is to install the WhatsApp application on another mobile device.

– After giving the corresponding permissions, when adding a number, select Three points From the top corner.

– Option for “Add a new device”.

– then QR code giant.

– Using your main smartphone, simply scan the code.

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– After that you will go back to the previous version of WhatsApp, which will not have any tab called “News” It will only be possible to see a window “state”.

Under the search option there is a tab called “Popular”. In this box we will find the channels that have the largest number of followers. At this moment, those who occupy the first places are Netflix (13.1 million followers), real madrid (11.9 million) and Bad bunny (9.4 million).

After the first three positions there are other spaces with a large number of users such as Katrina Kaif, FC Barcelona, ​​Manchester City, Liverpool and Ashai Kumar.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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