Tinder and Somos Estupendas reveal the keys to mental health in the search for love

Psychological health It has emerged as one of Basic foundations in human relations and communication. According to the recent report made by Tinder in “The Future of Dating 2023”, this has been revealed “Three out of four single men find a person more attractive when they know he is committed to their emotional well-being.” This clearly shows that younger generations are fully aware of the importance of taking care of their mental health in the context of romantic relationships.

Realizing that the search for a partner can be a field full of emotions and feelings that directly affect our psychological health, Tinder has teamed up with “Somos Estupendas”, a mental health and wellness influencer platform on social media. Together, they created Guide provides keys to enhancing self-care and self-esteem Both before and during the search for a partner.

This project was made possible through cooperation with a psychology expert specializing in self-esteem, Marta Riadora. They set off together WorkshopFor Tinder users called “Match Care” With logo “Self-love before anything else, sister.”. Its main goal is to provide guidelines and good practices for establishing Healthy and safe love relationshipsFrom the first contact to the end. The keys provided include tools for setting boundaries and discovering areas that require attention to promote self-care and avoid uncomfortable situations.

Marta Riadura Highlight the increasing importance of mental health in the context of relationships by saying: “We see an increasing importance of mental health when we talk about relationships. More and more young people are realizing that before starting a new relationship they need to have a healthy relationship with themselves. It is important before embarking on a relationship that we take the time to think about how we feel, what we want, and what “These are our borders”. These words emphasize the need to know yourself in a healthy way before entering into a relationship with another person.

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Tinder I became one of Safer platforms to connect with othersIt offers various tools, precautions, and alerts designed to protect the safety of its users. In addition, the app offers practical tips, which were also highlighted in the workshop, for paying attention to important details, such as prioritizing profiles with complete and verified CVs, and the importance of choosing public places to meet someone.

Self-esteem and self-care are the aspects that are in the center of attention when it comes to meeting someone today. vicente balbuster, Tinder’s Senior Communications Manager for Southern Europe commented: “Proof of the importance of self-care for Gen Z is that it’s already one of the most popular interests on Tinder in Spain when it comes to connecting with someone for the first time. So, we want to give our users the best tools to prioritize in the same way they do.”

Within the shared directory of Tinder and “Somos Estupendas,” there is a file A series of keys that promote reflection and self-discovery essential for self-care. These keys include the following:

1. Build a healthy relationship with yourself: Before taking care of others, it is necessary to take care of yourself.

2. Be honest about what you don’t want: Being honest with yourself and your needs is crucial to bringing out this honesty in a relationship.

3. Giving informed consent: Consent is key in any relationship and should only be given when you feel comfortable.

4. Set personal boundaries: There is no single way to establish relationships, each individual decides at his own pace.

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5. Communicate without fear: Open and respectful communication is essential for healthy relationships.

6. Recognize and dismiss warning signs: Don’t overlook the small details that don’t suit you, because they can become long-term problems.

7. Accept positive signals: Value and enjoy a relationship that provides the required respect and emotional responsibility.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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