This is how the famous floating restaurant in Hong Kong sank

The The famous floating jumbo restaurantone of the Tourist attractions in Hong KongI know sank Sunday 19 June In the South China Sea. The unfortunate truth Event just oneAfter days of cruising from what their location has been for decades.

the great Three-deck boatwhose The exterior was in the style of a Chinese imperial palaceshe was Towed by several tugboatsHaving spent nearly half a century in the waters southwest of the city. It was not revealed where he will be transferred.. As stated, the Transfer I know He decided Before Unaffordability The Maintenance work According to the regulations The area in which it was.

The company operating the Aberdeen restaurant complex explained, in a statement, that: When crossing water near the Paracel IslandsAnd the The ship and the ships towing it were exposed to “adverse weather conditions”. who – which provocation it’s a Water entering the hull of the restaurant ship.

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The The ship capsized Despite the efforts The company responsible for transporting it to save him‘, stated the statement. The boat sank more than 1,000 metresnote the statement, Which made the rescue “extremely difficult”he added.

The News About the famous kingdom of Jumbo Cause panic online. In fact, Many Hong Kong social media users lamented the ending poky One of the most famous historical symbols of the region.

What did the famous Jumbo Restaurant look like?

with It can accommodate 2300 dinerswas one of the Must see attractions in Aberdeen area, On the south coast of hong kong island.

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they Building In the the seventies cost approx $4.1 million . However, you closed since 2020When the epidemic broke out.

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