They remember the availability of postgraduate courses in Canada, Spain and the USA.

Among the 13,070 young people who qualified to take exams for the Paraguayan government's scholarship programYesterday, Saturday, more than 11,000 attended, or about 85%. Before the exam began in the morning at UNA's Faculty of Engineering (FIUNA), President Santiago Peña offered words of encouragement to both applicants and their parents.

I want to wish you the greatest success in the world. We tried to make this call as broad as possible, and we included many state institutions.” He reiterated that the goal is to provide opportunities for young people who are preparing and who truly deserve it.

Likewise, President Peña highlighted the work done by Itaipu since the launch of the program and the resources provided for the success of this great initiative. She confirmed that she is the largest provider of support during this call.

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The Head of State stressed that education is the key to the nation's progress and this can be achieved with young people who have dreams and aspirations and seek progress. He stated that he knows the effort students make when applying for a scholarship, as he was also a beneficiary of this type of assistance. In her case, it was promoted by the Japanese government.

For his part, Director General of the Paraguayan Binacional, Justo Zacarías Irón, indicated that the current call for the scholarship program aims to unite the efforts of many institutions, in order to reach more people.

“I am sure that this will be a great success, and will form the seed for a better Paraguay for the future. All institutions have done their part and what the President (Peña) wanted has been achieved: unified scholarships for unified, wise, responsible and transparent opportunities for our youth,” he noted.

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Exams are prepared, administered and marked by FIUNA teachers. To prepare the tests, the secondary school study program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science was used. The results are scheduled to be published on Monday, February 12.

The 2024 call for the Government Scholarship Program provides 5,000 places for outstanding young people of limited means, who will be able to pursue university and technical studies and teacher training. This is the first invitation to be made under the new unified system, which includes scholarships previously independently offered by ITAIPU, Yacyretá, the National Youth Secretariat (SNJ) and the Ministry of Education.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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