They offer credit plans for creating and promoting businesses through remittances

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Through the Jalisco Migrante Productivo programme, they will support migrant businesses to increase remittances in the entity. They will lend from 50,000 to 3 million pesos in order to use the remittances and generate economic activity in the communities in which they are received to drive regional development outside the metropolitan area.

In the first quarter of this year, Jalisco received more than $3,100 million in remittances, which is double what foreign direct investment (FDI) had, and although it is in the entity, it is used to support the family of those who receive it. , paying schools, medicine and even family celebrations or parties, and therefore, with these credits, which include training immigrants and people in Jalisco, who will start businesses, at least 20 percent is allocated to increasing or generating investment and generating wealth for citizens and their families.

“What we are trying to do is not just use remittances or the money that is sent from them status united But we can also provoke a productive chain that generates greater economic activity in small societies; We are engaged in both basic activity, in transformation, in trade and services, that is, the number of projects is very large and we hope that the financing scheme will also give opportunities to many people”, Hector Vélez, Director Jalisco Business Development Fund (Fojal).

These resources can be used to finance working capital, equipment, utilities, and terms, from 12 to 48 months and at an interest rate of eight percent. Additionally, depending on the financial product, three to five percent commission can go on start-up. Credit disposal process.

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Claudia Villarroel foreign trade manager of SedecoHe said that under this scheme they will start five projects: one for food through the export of pineapples. Export of shoes from a company that will be Maquiladora in Jalisco; Enhancing export permits for fresh pulp and avocado Canada In addition to business meetings with a supermarket chain for supplying Jalisco products and assembling furniture.

Some of the places this type of project has already been linked to are from ChicagoAnd the California s NevadaAlthough it is expected that he will be able to expand it into the territory of the American Confederation. Through these procedures, it is assumed that companies that already have permits get permits correctly and that those responsible for the business are trained appropriately in order to ensure their survival, as well as connect potential business partners to these companies.

Work on advertising for these products will be through Jalisco House in Chicago and Los Angeles, California. This support program is already available and details can be reviewed through the website: On the home page there is a link to a program immigrant.

Por: Miley Mariscal


Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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