They closed the dental office for practicing medicine illegally

Wednesday 1 September 2021


Judicial sources reported today that the city’s attorney general’s office closed a dental office in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Liners, which was attended by two people who lacked legal registration to practice medicine.

The search was carried out on the afternoon of Tuesday the 31st at a location located at 7100 Ibarola Street, as part of an investigation conducted by the Office of the 29th Prosecutor, PCyF, responsible for Aníbal Brunet.

It was found in the procedure that two people, who were working as a dentist, lacked legal registration, at the same time the place did not have the appropriate permit for such activity or certificates related to hygiene and safety issues.

Moreover, pathogenic residues were found in the nursing cabinet without being properly disposed of.

The investigation was initiated by a complaint that entered federal jurisdiction and was subsequently referred to city court, which was the responsibility of the Prosecutor’s Office of PCyF 29, which ordered the search.

The raid was carried out by elements of the Judicial Investigation Authority in the city’s public prosecution, the Ministry of Health of the Nation, the Crimes Against Health Department of the city police, the General Directorate of Inspection and Control, and the Comprehensive Directorate. Inspection run unit.

Prosecutor General Brunet ordered the arrest of the two individuals and charged them with the crime of illegally practicing medicine.

At the same time, the place was closed, its records were edited, and orders were issued to implement the police emblem in the facility.

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The case is being heard in PCyF 21 court, which is responsible for Beatrice Lara.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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