These are the habits that will make you happier if you learn to connect with yourself

Listening to your favorite song in the car, the first afternoon of spring when the sun sets a little after six o'clock, the first ice cream of summer, the smell of coffee in the morning, or the dopamine, serotonin and endorphins that spread throughout your body after a training session. These are experiences that in some people produce a chemical reaction in the body, as if it were a kind of natural painkiller as they relax and calm down. That is, it makes them feel happy.

A life accelerated by constant productivity and lack of rest can cause individuals to have fewer opportunities to enjoy these experiences, and thus feel less happy. “We must keep in mind that happiness is not a goal, as many psychological currents believe. “Happiness is an emotion, and we cannot be sad or angry,” explains psychologist Silvia Vidal, a healthcare expert in anxiety, stress and emotions. Happiness in its precise definition and according to The Royal Spanish Academy is “a state of pleasant spiritual and physical contentment.”

Happiness is not a goal, as many psychological trends believe. “It is an emotion: we cannot be sad or angry.”

Silvia VidalHealth expert in anxiety, stress and emotions

Vidal explains that for her it is essential for her patients to understand that happiness is an emotion, because it “relaxes” them when they realize that they don't have to be constantly happy and they can take the pressure off themselves. “You are happy in certain moments, and we as people do not always have the responsibility to be able to be,” Vidal says. According to the health care provider, there are days when you can connect with happiness and there are days when you can't, since stress, anxiety, fatigue and hesitation can play a role, “and nothing happens if you're not.” He points to.

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According to a United Nations report issued in March 2024, “Annual report on world happiness“, the Millennials And the CentenaryPeople who are around thirty years old, on average, are the most unhappy people. On the other hand, according to a study conducted by Harvard University, and published in the book “The Good Life,” people over the age of 60 are happier because they realize the limits of life and get rid of responsibilities and obligations.

Viral guides to happiness

At the same time, new trends are emerging on social media that provide a guide for learning how to deal with happiness and continue to associate happiness as a vital goal. he “memoirs“It is the method of writing down and writing down feelings and emotions in a notebook in order to better comprehend them; it is”Showing“It helps spiritually to create a dream life through positive mantras and phrases; and ‘romanticizing life’ means observing the small moments of the day as if they were a movie.

Creating healthy habits helps achieve emotional happiness

Manny Espinosa / Own

These viral guides focus on self-care and creating healthy habits, which, as Vidal points out, are essential for emotional health. However, the health worker also adds that these habits and lifestyles should be reviewed, to give importance to others “like breathing to connect with yourself, if you can take ten minutes for yourself,” she suggests. Vidal explains that this cannot be generalized either, as habits that may provide happiness for one person may not provide it for another, and this will depend on each person’s personal circumstances.

Humor is a tool against neurosis, useful in your interactions with people at work, with your partner, with the person you buy bread from.

Rafael Santandropsychologist

There are also other types of habits that have nothing to do with exercising, listening to music, or reading to disconnect from the noisy life, which contribute to a more joyful and happy life and do not require allocating a large amount of time. Converted from today, which people often do not have.

Psychologist and writer Rafael Santandro suggests that “the habit to develop to become happier is to learn to slow down.” According to him, it is important to take each day slowly and not multitask at all. It is essential to give full attention to every small task at hand. “You can imagine yourself as a monk doing things all day long, but slowly and with all the affection and love there is in the world,” Santandro says. The accelerated pace causes a person to lose the ability to appreciate what he has, “and this is necessary,” explains the psychologist and author of his book. The art of not bitterness in life It is one of the best-selling books on self-help and emotional health.

Another habit that doesn't mean having to go beyond hours of the day to make time for it, suggests Santandro, is to complain as little as possible. “If it's close to zero, the better,” he comments. According to the psychiatrist, complaining produces bitterness and dissatisfaction and has no limits. Additionally, moments where humor is introduced are included. “In your interactions with people at work, with the person you buy bread from, and with your partner. Because humor is a great tool to combat neurosis,” explains Santandro.

Laughter helps you gain distance and perspective and let go of fears. What may seem like a problem, “actually isn't that dramatic,” as the psychologist describes. In addition to laughter, Santandro adds relearning how to play to his list of habits to feel happy. “We could invent the word 'animals'.” TwinsiesBecause play is very important for human happiness. “We are like playful chimpanzees,” the psychologist explains. He suggests finding time to have fun every day and explains that it is a mistake to think that adulthood means not playing anymore.

Complaining as little as possible, letting go of anxiety, and laughing are all attitudes that help you connect with happiness.

Silvia Vidal suggests that any activity that helps you disconnect from screen addiction and accelerate productivity will be beneficial and will allow you to find a moment of relaxation and combat stress. “It is very important to be able to be in touch with ourselves and our emotions, and to learn how to disconnect from the connection,” says Vidal, independently, whether it is through contact with nature, reading a book or listening to music.

Vidal adds that while people are hyper-connected, they are also more disconnected than ever before. “We have a lot Input “They bother us that previous generations had before, and our nervous system is constantly activated, making it very difficult to connect with ourselves,” explains the psychologist and author of content about stress and anxiety. So he explains that nowadays it has become difficult to find those moments of happiness. The psychologist explains that the focus on work exploitation, stress and social comparison leads to enormous pressure to find moments of happiness and detachment. “No one told our grandparents that they should be happy,” Vidal says.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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