The United States will stop building the wall on the border with Mexico that Donald Trump started

FILE – The wall along the US-Mexico border in the San Bernadino Valley in Arizona, February 11, 2021. A Texas judge this week allowed the government to seize a family’s land because the Biden administration has not yet concluded lawsuits seeking property along The Road. the border. (Adriana Zebrauskas/The New York Times)

In a statement issued by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), It announced that it would cancel all remaining contracts to build the wall on the border with Mexico that has been a pillar of the Donald Trump administration.

In a statement, DHS informed that it will use funds currently allocated for this project to advance theenvironmental planningI will dialogue with Affected landowners, tribes, elected officials at the state and local levels, and federal agencies.

In this sense, the organization has highlighted it “These activities will not include the construction of a new border barrier or permanent land acquisition.”

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Repeats one taken in July, when two contracts in the Loredo area were canceled

Former President Donald Trump visited an unfinished section of the wall in Farr, Texas, in June (Image: REUTERS/Callahan O'Hare)
Former President Donald Trump visited an unfinished section of the wall in Farr, Texas, in June (Image: REUTERS/Callahan O’Hare)

This Friday, CBP reported that “Environmental planning and actions will commence in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act for pre-planned BBS projects located within the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo and El Centro sectors.”

The Department of Homeland Security also made it clear that it will pay for all of this with money from the appropriations to build the wall that has not yet begun, and that the Biden administration “continues to demand that Congress: Cancel the remaining funds for the boundary wall and this, instead, Fund smarter border security measures, such as border technology and land port modernization, which have proven to be more effective in improving border security.”

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Until Congress repeals this money, and unless it does, the law requires the Department of Homeland Security Use of funds in a manner consistent with the purpose for which they were allocated, The statement clarified that initiating environmental planning activities is part of the department’s plan to do so.

An old wall next to the new wall near Tijuana (Image: REUTERS/Mike Blake)
An old wall next to the new wall near Tijuana (Image: REUTERS/Mike Blake)

Finally, the Department of Homeland Security concluded that “This announcement has no effect on previously approved projects and necessary to address the problems of life, safety and environmental restoration in the sectors of the Rio Grande Valley, San Diego and El Centro.”

The Biden government’s decision came on the same day that Mexico and the United States announced the start of a security “alliance” on Friday in which they would be “equal partners.” After the Merida Initiative was replaced by the New Understanding, two hundred years after the High-Level Bilateral Security Dialogue.

“From a limited cooperation we move to an alliance, which is something completely different, it is kind of superior. You only ally with someone you trust and respectThe Mexican Foreign Minister boasted, Marcelo Ebrard, in a conference with Anthony Blinkcity ​​police

The American official agreed to open it “new chapter” In security cooperation with Mexico where both will be Equal Partners.

It marks the beginning of a new chapter in the security cooperation between Mexico and the United States, working as equal partners and identifying and addressing the root causes of security challenges such as inequality, corruption and impunity,” he emphasized.

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