The United States bans more Chinese technology companies

Science and Technology

The Commerce Department added seven supercomputer companies and establishments to its Entity List, prohibiting US companies from supplying or dealing with equipment.

Saul Gomez·

A series of factors that have arisen in the pandemic have led 69% of companies to accelerate programs to digitize their operations

Digital channels. Internet image.

For years United State It has been indicated China You have spy plans in your country to place National Security. During the administration of Donald Trump these accusations and regulations increased, it is enough to remember the case TikTok y Huawei.

It was expected that with the arrival of Joe Biden, restrictions would be relaxed, but the government has now announced new companies entering its “blacklist”.

The US authorities continue to clamp down on Chinese technology, this time targeting large computers and computers used in important applications, because they claim to fuel the Chinese military.

it is Ministry of Commerce Seven companies and organizations have added supercomputers to their Entity List, prohibiting US companies from supplying or dealing with equipment. American officials said the reason for this is that they “build supercomputers that contribute to military modernization efforts, nuclear weapons and ultrasound technology.”

The teams selected include Sunway, Shanghai’s high-performance integrated circuit design center, Tianjin Phytium information technology, as well as supercomputing centers in Jinan, Shenzhen, Wuxi and Zhengzhou.

However, it should be clarified that, unlike similar prohibitions imposed on companies like Huawei, in this case there are no accusations of espionage or human rights violations that justify the action. It is strictly about controlling the technological development of the Chinese armed forces.

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It is not clear how China will respond to this announcement. Although it must be said that the government has been taking steps to reduce its dependence on American technology through domestic production, the US trade embargo has limited those efforts.

Many of the factories that produce high-end chips are located outside of mainland China and often rely partly on American technology, leaving the nation with few options but to invest heavily in domestic production or use manufacturing technologies.

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