The trick is to save 30% of gasoline in the car

When this function is activated, up to 30% fuel can be saved. What does this button do? It prevents outside air from entering the cabin, and when the air conditioner is turned on, it works on already cold air, allowing it to cool faster. This means less effort for the air conditioning compressor. This, in turn, reduces the load on the engine and thus gasoline consumption.

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The higher the outside temperature, the harder the car's air conditioning system will work.And – of course – more gasoline is consumed. Therefore, especially on hot days, it is recommended to activate the air conditioning recirculation button, as this eliminates the need to cool the outside air.

In addition to being an effective way to maintain the car's air conditioning and regulate gasoline consumption, this button prevents the entry of odors, dust or harmful substances. Such as toxic gases or air entering the cabin.

Air conditioning recirculation button.jpg

Air conditioning recirculation button.

What is the air conditioner recirculation button?

The air conditioner recirculation button is located on the center console. Between air conditioning controls. It is easy to recognize because it usually has a silhouette of a car with an internal rotating arrow.

When to use the air conditioner recirculation button?

There is something that should be clear, The car's secret fuel-saving button trick has its own subtle implications. While it can be very useful on hot days, using it in places where the outside air quality is not good, or when the tank is about to run out of fuel and the nearest gas station is far away, misusing this feature can go wrong.

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When should air recirculation not be activated?

Air recirculation should not be activated when the outside temperature is too low. This is because air condensation may occur inside, and thus the windows may fog up and obscure the driver’s vision.

It should also be kept in mind that recirculating the same air several times for a long period of time is not the best for those who travel in a car. Because carbon dioxide and other pollutants can accumulate in the environment.

Continuously recirculating air can increase the concentration of airborne particles, Which can be harmful to health, especially for people with respiratory problems. Some specialists, driving guides, and specialized websites also believe that using the same air for a long period may cause a loss of concentration levels and even drowsiness.

How to use the air recirculation button?

It is best to limit the function to intervals of about 10 minutesAlternating with the air conditioning mode that gets air from outside the car. Another key to the success of this trick is to keep the car's filters in good condition and change them when necessary. Otherwise, they can become nests of bacteria that are inhaled by vehicle occupants.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to smoke inside the car. Tobacco smoke settles into the air conditioning system, mixing with the air which is then recirculated into the cabin. This, in addition to being harmful to health, can generate unpleasant odors.

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Freddie Dawson

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