The first submissive man develops positively …

Felix Gretarson The first man to get shoulder and arm implants, Is developing positively at the Edouard Herriot Clinic in Lyon, France. I began to consider them mineGretarson said of his two new arms, which were grafted a week ago at shoulder level in an unprecedented operation.

Hospicios Civiles de Lyon (HCL) said this “bilateral arm and shoulder vaccination” lasted 15 hours and “required the mobilization of many public and private medical and health teams in the region.”

According to local media, the 48-year-old patient had both arms amputated at the age of 26, after he was electrocuted by a high-voltage line.

After his intervention, Gretarson referred to Weekly platform What is the “very good“Although he made it clear”It was all very painful“The first 24 hours were horrific,” he said.

Gretarson said that despite taking a lot of painkillers, he was feeling better every day. “I am very optimistic to regain some movement,” he added.

Accompanied by his wife Sylvia, Felix must spend another three weeks in the hospital before being transferred to the physical and neurological rehabilitation service, near Lyon.

The team that performed the surgery for Gretarson are pioneers in these types of surgeries: Under the direction of Professor Jean-Michel Dubernard, doctors performed the first single-hand transplant in 1998. Two years later, he implanted his hands and part of the forearms.

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Freddie Dawson

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