The Taliban, the story of the group that defeated two superpowers book

30 years later, it was Taliban They achieved the feat of getting out of their lands Soviets To achieve this, an army United StateAlready helpless in the face of the impossibility of controlling the fragile Afghan status quo, he withdrew from the country.

Through comprehensive academic research Antonio Gustozzi (Author, among other works, of Islamic State in Khorasan) suggests in TalibanIt is a book recently published by Intel Fikre Capital, to reveal why this movement, which was handily defeated in 2001, has returned to power. It is a story of resurgence, and for this, Justuzi analyzes the process of organizational transformation that took place in the Taliban. The author says that a “multicentric” organization allowed them to multiply their ability to rebel.

By interviewing Taliban of all ranks and classes, Justuzi discovered their leaders’ ability to galvanize claims, discontent, and also the resentment that has built up in the most diverse sectors of Afghan society.

The book emphasizes the Taliban’s military adaptation to the new challenges presented to it in the twenty-first century, but without separating it from the political, cultural, and economic processes that gave it context.

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Freddie Dawson

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