The story of Yaki, the first alpha female in a herd of macaques | in Japan

An alpha female has been spotted in a macaque reserve in Japan. His name is Yakei, he is nine years old and took the sceptre from Sanchu, the monkey who led the herd for five years in the Takasakiyama Sanctuary, in Oita City.

There are 677 macaques in the colony of monkeys. It is rare to see female leadership among the apes. According to the guards: Yaki triumphed in April, when she hit her mother to indulge the role of the alpha female in her family group..

By the end of June, Yakei challenged the 31-year-old Sancho. The fight ended with a female victory, Happened like this to lead monkeys. She is the first female leader in the reserve’s 70-year history.

At the end of June, the guards approved the change: they left the peanuts for the whole group and saw that the yaki was the first to eat. The monkey who eats first is the leader. In fact, he offered Sancho the peanut, and gave it to the monkey.. “Since then, yaki have been climbing and rocking trees, an expression of strength and behavior so rare in females,” he said. Watchman, Satoshi Kimoto, a guide at Takasakiyama. “He was walking with his tail raised, which is unusual for a female,” he added.

Monkey Sanctuary in Japan

The reserve was established in 1952 and houses 1,500 macaques, divided into two groups. The monkeys live in the forested mountains in the center of the reserve, roam freely and go to the lowlands for food provided by the rangers.

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Estimated wild population of Japanese macaques More than a hundred thousand are distributed On three of the four main islands of Japan: Kyushu, Honshu, and Shikoku. They tend to be aggressive and tourists are advised not to make eye contact with them, as they can take this as a challenge.

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