Controversy in Punta del Este over a real estate project by a Brazilian businessman that has not yet obtained a license

A real estate project at the western entrance to the city of Punta del Este raises controversy again (Wikipedia)

(From Montevideo, Uruguay) The western entrance to Punta del Este Once again in the midst of controversy surrounding a real estate project scheduled to be built in the area. For the possible construction of 29 buildings in Punta BallenaAnother plan from the Brazilian businessman is added Alexander GrendinWhich makes local residents alert.

The businessman bought state property in the area and intended to establish a free zone there, but this idea was shelved. Then he thought about the existence of a port at the mouth of the El Potrero River, as reported in the local newspapers Punta del Este Post Office. now, You intend to build a real estate project, but you do not have the authorization to do somentioned Country.

In January, area residents were astonished by the establishment of a workshop on Route 10, near Laguna del Sauce Airport. His anxiety increased in February and March when Work began on a barrier above the dunes and downstream of El Potrero. newspaper I mentioned that a few days ago Grendene's intention is to build a private neighborhood on the site.

Building a barrier on a property owned by businessman Alexander Grendin caught the attention of area residents (Ricardo Sorohit/FM Gente)

The property only has a license to build an entrance porch, but from Municipality of Maldonado They demanded that the fence work be stopped. In February, the company began afforestation work on the sand dunes and wetlands, then began building the barrier, which is five meters high and about 400 meters long.

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for now, The municipality's Environment Directorate did not monitor any environmental impact as a result of the work that had begun.. At the same time, at the national government level The Ministry of Environment It also conducted an inspection and ordered a halt to work to resolve the situation.

Neighbors warn that it must be preserved The area “is very sensitive due to its proximity to the population center of Ocean Park and Chihuahua“. Ocean Park neighborhood group spokesman Ricardo Sorohit told FM Gente that when the Arroyo El Portero water coming from Laguna del Sauce had to be drained, they settled in that place, where the work is now being done.

The neighborhood group said they were surprised No authority had knowledge of the construction Therefore, they did not allow it either. The director of urban planning for the municipality of Maldonado, Soledad Laguarda, informed the neighbors about this There was no project in that area as the department’s regulations stipulated that it was below the level of +3.50 metres.. This means that it is considered natural rural land and it is not permissible to build on it or carry out activities that pose a flood risk.

Ocean Park neighborhood, near Laguna del Sauce Airport in Punta del Este (Facebook Ocean Park)

The neighbor explained that the construction work has not stopped at the present time, and they will hold a meeting this week with the governorate, which has the authority to stop the work. “In the meantime, Man continues to destroy this very sensitive areaHe confirmed.

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The Punta Ballena Neighborhood Association also questioned this initiative. Neighbors say they are “shocked” by the potential effects of the “huge” real estate project promoted by the Brazilian businessman.

Grendian is the founder of one of the most important sandal manufacturers in the world, and his net worth is estimated at $2 billion, according to the magazine. Forbes. It operates the shoe brands Ipanema, Rider and Melissa. He is 54 years old and lives in Porto Alegre, although he owns several properties in Brazil and Uruguay.

In February 2021Grendin lent his plane to Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Bo travels to Brasilia to meet the president Jair Bolsonaro.

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