The Public Prosecutor's Office requested the closure of the investigation against Begonia Gomez, Sanchez's wife Companion to the Prime Minister of Spain

The Spanish Attorney General's Office on Thursday requested the archiving of the judicial investigation into corruption allegations against Begonia GomezThe Prime Minister's wife, Pedro SanchezAn investigation was opened following a complaint filed by a far-right association, which admitted that the investigation was based solely on newspaper articles.

Financial sources informed the agency European press The Public Prosecution filed a direct appeal asking the Madrid Regional Court to annul the order issued on April 16 and signed by Judge Juan Carlos Peñado. The ministry says there is no evidence that a crime occurred They told the agency that this justifies opening criminal proceedings against Gomez Evie Sources familiar with the case.

Announcing this investigation into his wife on charges of corruption and abuse of influence, It led the CEO to announce that he would evaluate whether to resign or remain in his positionThe decision will be announced on Monday. He also stated that the complaint filed against his wife is “a harassment and destructive strategy practiced by media outlets with a marked right-wing and extreme right-wing orientation” and is supported by the right and the far-right.


Because the court declared the proceedings confidential, neither the court nor the public prosecutor's office provided further details about the case. According to digital media Confidentiality, which published information about the investigation, the court is investigating Gomez's links with the Spanish tourism group Globalia, owner of the airline Air Europe, when the latter was in talks with the government for a bailout during the Covid-19 pandemic that he finally received. .

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The complaint that led to the opening of the investigation was filed by me The far-right Clean Hands group admitted in a statement that it relied exclusively on “press information alleging alleged irregularities.”“, the validity of which must be determined” by justice. The group said: “If it is not true, then those who published it are the ones who should assume it is false, but if they are not sure, we understand that the legal case must continue.”

Wide support

On the other hand, national and international support for Sanchez was immediate. previous president Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero called for mobilization in favor of the current president. “Hence we must understand and respect the president. I ask my supporters to mobilize in favor of a democracy of respect, in favor of justice, in favor of the work of Pedro Sánchez. We must support him, support him,” said Zapatero. He said in a radio interview.

Sumar's leaders stated that the government deserves to continue and that the right's “shameful and mafioso” strategy cannot prevail. Somar's deputy spokesman in Congress, Enrique Santiago, asserted that the complaint filed by Manos Lemenas, which he described as an extortionist organization, would lead to nothing other than that the damage had already been done.

Secretary General L Party of European SocialistsGiacomo Filipic stated in a post on social networks: “These attacks fueled by the far right in Spain must stop. Dignity must prevail in politics and democracy.” He added: “Sanchez, the progressives in Europe are with you, your wife and your family.”

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Puebla group — a political initiative formed in 2019 by progressive leaders and Latin American representatives — expressed in a statement its “solidarity in the face of the campaign of harassment and smear that he and his family were reported to have faced.” “Given the seriousness of the false accusations and political pressure on President Sanchez, we from the Puebla Group strongly condemn these practices that undermine democracy and the rule of law,” the statement read.

president of colombia, Gustavo PietroHe said on the networks that the complaint was about a “sludge machine led by the Spanish far right” to destroy Sánchez’s family and stop his progressive policies. president of bolivia, Luis ArceHe also expressed his solidarity with his Spanish counterpart and added that “fake news or lies have become one of the most harmful tools with which anti-politics seek to distort and destroy governments, presidents and families.”

Freddie Dawson

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