The Ministry of Science and Innovation awards two knowledge generation projects to UPSA

  • one in Francisco de Vitoria, associated with the Faculty of Philosophy; And another about vigilance and self-care in the Faculty of Psychology

The Government Research Agency published the provisional decision on the procedures for granting 2021 aid to knowledge generation projectswhich appears in its list of two projects from Pontifical University of Salamanca: one in Francisco de Vitoria, associated with the Faculty of Philosophy; and another about Full concentration of the mind Self-Care in the College of Psychology.

Knowledge generation projects, awarded by Ministry of Science and Innovationare projects without a predetermined objective orientation, motivated by scientific curiosity and whose primary objective is the development of knowledge, regardless of the time horizon and scope of its application.

The project is related to Faculty of Philosophy It is led by Professor Mª Idoya Zorroza Huarte (Principal Investigator) and consists of a research team also involved from UPSA: Santiago García-Galón, Ana Andaluz Romanillos, Rosa Mi Herrera García, Jesus Conderina Cirillo and José Sarrón.

The project focuses on Francisco de Vitoria’s characterThe Salamanca School and the Baroque School. The goal is to provide the scientific community with an unpublished and unknown text by Vittoria, his commentary on I am pars of the theological compendium Santo Tomas, where the definition of a person is addressed, and, on the other hand, the intellectual sources of his proposal are studied, but at the same time, a fruitful dialogue is conducted with other contemporary thinkers (especially the proposals of Renaissance humanism that develop the idea of ​​dignity and freedom) and also subsequent authors who developed ideas Which today expresses our experience in the world. In this way, the foundations are given for revising the content and scope of the person’s definition and for his current expectations of economic, legal and political thought, in particular the issue of human rights and the person and its foundations, justification and universality. Character, singular and plural.

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Full concentration of the mind

The second project dated Full concentration of the mindand Self-Compassion and Mental Health, jointly with Faculty of Psychology Professors José Ramón Yella Bernabé (IP) and Antonio Crigo Diaz (IP), members of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Assessment and Intervention Team, which also consists of Professors Mª ngeles Gómez, Elena Sánchez Zaballos and Pablo Riesco and José Buz Delgado (USAL), Alejandra Melero, and Laura Jiménez (SAPS-UPSA).

This project is related to Fields of psychology and biomedicineaims first to describe the effects produced in the very long term (for at least 8 years) through the practice of a standardized program Full concentration of the mind self-compassion (MSC); Second, a longitudinal controlled study with a follow-up of 12 months will be conducted to compare the effectiveness of this program with other stress management training based on Full concentration of the mind, and the control group. The beneficial effects of the ongoing practice of these programs on mental health and psychological well-being will be studied; Estimated benefits in indicators of cardiovascular health and in the inflammatory response of the participants will also be evaluated. In addition, it aims to identify the psychological mechanisms that explain these effects.

The results will be used for Define training aimed at preventing disease and promoting health and well-being in the general population. The research/working team consists of psychologists, health nurses, specialists in nutrition, physical activity and health, and molecular biologists. The results will be transferable to the UPSA Foundation’s Health Psychological Care Service (SAPS) and to the Fundación Center for Conscious Self Compassion (United States of America). Dr. Christopher Germer (PhD), Professor at Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA) and co-developer of the MSC protocol.

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Both projects belong to the 2021 Call, have a duration of three years and will begin development during the last quarter of 2022, once a funding proposal is accepted.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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