The latest Fallout 4 update has caused something unusual to happen. Right now, the most downloaded mods on PC are the ones that remove the official Bethesda patch – Fallout 4

Although the update was better received on other platforms, many Fallout 4 players on PC consider that it wasn't worth it.

Although it took two years from its official announcement until it was finally published, the update was due to adapt Fallout 4 For new generation standards did not have the expected results. To the minor problems experienced by some console users, we must add the remarkably negative nature of the situation Computer. In short, the version for PC It didn't seem like it was worth it.: It barely introduces any changes and makes most unofficial mods incompatible. This situation has caused many users to search for a way to do so Reverts the video game to the previous version for this Next Gen Update.

A Fallout 4 update is faltering in the PC community

he The official Fallout 4 portal on Nexus ModsThe most popular website for downloading this type of add-on indicates that the two most downloaded files are “Steam-Skin Next-Gen Update” and “Fallout 4 Downgrader”. Both mods live up to their names: while the first is a file that “tricks” Steam into thinking you've already updated the game, the second allows users who have already installed the update to easily revert to the previous version of the video game. It should be noted that these modifications are necessary in part because The Valve Store does not allow you to return patchessomething that can be done in services such as Gog.

The truth is that this It was a bit unfortunate.. On the one hand, Bethesda You can't monitor the thousands of community-created mods when you update your video game. On the other hand, you should take it into consideration when making a decision. Was it worth applying the update to the PC knowing that problems were inevitable? While the developer thought the response was positive, the community doesn't seem to agree with the decision. It's a shame, especially because The saga is once again on the crest of the wave Thanks to the movie premiere Fallout series.

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Despite everything, Fallout 4 remains one of the most played games on PC. The video game peaked at over 185,000 simultaneous users steam Last Sunday. This is it This is the highest number recorded since December 7, 2015, a few weeks after its release. Plus, it has an added bonus: the game is now also available on Game Pass and GOG. In this sense, the total number will be much larger. Let's not even imagine if we also started adding users on consoles.

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In 3D games | Fallout 4's next public patch also revived the model. Another great RPG fan project, Miami, reappears after years of silence.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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