The film with the most amazing ending in history, which made its hero earn more than $100 million

Almost no one trusted it and it ended up becoming one of the biggest box office hits of the 1990s.

There are very few films that have amazing final twists They have entered the history of cinema and also into the popular imagination.. We have a good example of this withI am your fatherFrom “The Empire Strikes Back,” but today we have to talk about what might be the only ending that manages to surpass the ending of Star Wars Episode V. We’re referring to “The Sixth Sense.”

Initially, The Sixth Sense was a film that no one had much faith in, as Disney only invested in it out of audacity. David Vogel. The studio’s then head of production bought the script without the company’s approval, which eventually led to his firing, while… Disney He sold a significant portion of the tape to a much smaller company like Spyglass, something that would ultimately cost him hundreds of millions of dollars.

The great success of Bruce Willis

The person who trusted her was Bruce Willis, who at the time was embroiled in a mess with Disney that forced him to make three films with the studio. The first was “Armageddon”, a huge box office success that was eventually surpassed by “The Sixth Sense”, which remains their highest-grossing title today. The actor’s good sense of smell This prompted him to accept a reduction in his salary, earning only $14 million directly, in exchange for also receiving 17% of the film’s income in theaters and in subsequent income streams.

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Considering that ‘The Sixth Sense’ grossed $672 million in theaters and became the second best-selling DVD in history in the US, the move has worked out well for the actor – according to sources. It is estimated that he earned between $100 and $120 million for the film – which he noted in a 2007 interview with Playboy magazine: “No one thought it would be a hit, and some people still don’t understand the ending today.“.

Although it would be a miracle if someone who hasn’t seen The Sixth Sense can avoid this huge spoiler, I won’t expand on it, but I would like to point out that it’s a great conclusion to the film it provided. us to M. Night Shyamalan Which is an interesting explanation Haley Joel Osment.

In its own way, The Sixth Sense is an almost flawless combination of commercial cinema and auteur cinema, because it works at all times as entertainment, despite being a film in which the dramatic approach takes precedence over thrills and horror. But Shyamalan’s hand is noticeable at all times, which here shows masterful control over the staging mechanics so that everything fits together once you see it again with the knowledge of the ending.

If you want to regain your “sixth sense”, It is broadcast this afternoon on Cuatro starting at 6:10 p.m.but if you’re a fan of streaming, it’s available on Disney+.

In Espinov:

Terry Alexander

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