The European Union accepts the United States, Canada, and Norway in the military buildup program

This content was posted on May 06, 2021-12:02

(Updated with data from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg)

Brussels, May 6 (EFE). – The European Union (EU) on Thursday allowed the United States, Canada and Norway to participate in the European project that seeks to accelerate the mobilization of troops and military equipment across borders by land and sea. And the atmosphere.

Today, European Union foreign ministers approved the request sent by Washington, Canberra and Oslo to the Netherlands – which is acting as the project coordinator – to participate in the Permanent Structural Cooperation Program (PESCO).

PESCO was created in 2017 by twenty-five European Union countries – among them Spain, for cooperation in defense after Brexit and the insistence of former US President Donald Trump, that his NATO partners increase public spending. In this field.

The acceptance of these three countries’ participation in this cross-border mobility program was conditional on their acceptance of a series of conditions, among them the exchange of military information with the European Union.

The High Representative said: “The expertise (from the United States, Canada and Norway) will contribute to the project and thus improve military mobility within and outside the European Union. This is an area of ​​common priority and common interests in our transatlantic relations,” said the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell.

“It will make European defense more efficient and contribute to enhancing our security,” the former Spanish minister said.

The Secretary-General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, who is participating in the meeting of European ministers, also welcomed the inclusion of the United States of America, Canada and Norway, all of whom are members of NATO, in the program.

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“Non-European allies play an important role in European defense,” Stoltenberg said. EFE

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(For more information about the European Union on

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Sacha Woodward

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