The Chilean Attorney General's Office accuses the Aragua train of killing the former Venezuelan soldier | Who killed Ronald Ojeda?

The Chilean Attorney General's Office confirmed on Monday that the Tren de Aragua criminal gang was behind the killing of retired Venezuelan military officer Ronald Ojeda, a defector from Nicolás Maduro's government in Venezuela who had been living as a refugee in Chile. “The police said: “We have carried out a series of procedures aimed at proving the participation of each of the accused” in a case “mainly linked to the Aragua train (…) and in which various crimes such as kidnapping were committed.” Prosecutor Hector Barros Ojeda was kidnapped on February 21. He was taken from his home in Santiago at dawn, in his underwear, by people pretending to be police officers. The case caused a huge uproar in Chile and Venezuela, where opponents confirmed that it was an intelligence operation carried out by the Maduro government. However, last Friday, the body of Ronald Ojeda was found in a neighborhood in the capital, inside a suitcase that had been buried.

The Chilean government granted Ojeda, 32, refugee status. On social media, the former Venezuelan soldier identified himself as a “former political prisoner” and “an officer in the Venezuelan Armed Forces.”

The case is being investigated by a special organized crime unit of the Chilean police, which is behind the operations in the country of international gangs such as the Tren de Aragua, of Venezuelan origin.

Chile is home to a large community of Venezuelan citizens, estimated at 533,000 people, according to the National Institute of Statistics.

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Freddie Dawson

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