Strong earthquake in Greece: buildings injured, destroyed – news

According to the Athens Geodynamic Observatory at least Five replicas Scores between 3.4 and 5.7 were felt in the next hour.

One of the wounded became seriously ill when he received shrapnel from a wall that fell into his head in a house in the town of Larissa.

There are the cities of Damasi, Missouri and Ternavus, where there is a big mistake Hardest hitAccording to the experts.

The epicenter was located 21 kilometers south of Alassona and 350 kilometers from Athens.

In the region of Thessaly, more than a hundred buildings, including churches and schools, were damaged, according to the first estimates reported by the governor, Costas Agorastos.

“It was a very strong earthquake. The towers of the two churches were badly damaged. The houses in Damasi are old and there is damage,” a resident of Larissa told a local radio station.

The earthquake was also felt in the capitals of neighboring countries such as North Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro.


Greece is crossed by Major geological faults Earthquakes are frequent, especially at sea, and most of them do not cause casualties.

Another deadly earthquake in Greece from Volume 7, Back to October 30, 2020 In the Aegean Sea, between the Greek island of Samos and the Turkish city of Smyrna.

At that time, two teenagers were killed on the Greek island, while the earthquake departed in Turkey 114 dead and about 1035 wounded.

The deadliest earthquake in Greece in the past three decades was an earthquake 1999 Near Athens, from prof With a power of 5.9 And that Killed 143 people.

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