Strong attempt on defense to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Ministry of Defense is Target aggressive bidding. Although on Thursday it emerged from very high sources that Brigadier General New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffthe highest military authority, in the portfolio headed by Louis Petrie admits that The Navy seeks to place its man in this strategic place.

The Navy considers that its time has come after the Joint Chiefs of Staff had been in the hands of the Army for the past four years.

The head of the Navy in these years was Lieutenant General Juan Martín Ballio, and Clarín knew that the head of the Navy would be Admiral Carlos María Alievi.

the Fort Ishaqwhose power, in addition to the management of flights, has always been hand in hand with authority, is based on the fact that during these years he has gained great respect in the force, and on the fact that he comes from a family with medals.

His brother Gerardo is one of The great pilots of the MalvinasHe gained fame as one of the pilots who attacked the British ship Invincible. Isaac skillfully handled himself in times of scarcity with many specifications of equipment because the government of Alberto Fernández did not put any weight or real will to develop them.

Isaac conducted studies to purchase supersonic aircraft needed by the force in general. He leaned toward the F-16 They will buy from the United States, rather than from the Chinese and India.

the Purchase of American F-16 aircraft Which is in the hands of the Danish people will be one of the first challenges for the forces but it is not the only one given the level of scarcity and now in a new era where the budget is lower.

The second program is Canadian and American Strykers 8×8 aircraft, but the most important goal at the present time is to resolve the issue of obtaining F-16 aircraft.

In recent days, there has been criticism of his administration from some sectors that many consider friendly fire, but this has not increased. There are those who consider them part of the interior.

Xavier Julian Isaacs, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Civil appointments

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense under Petri is formed as follows: The Minister of Strategy and Military Affairs is retired Lieutenant General Claudio Pasqualini. Undersecretary of Planning and Military Policy, Guillermo Madero.

Chief of Staff Adviser Carlos Baker Fioretti, who like Petri comes to the Ministry through Patricia Bullrich, who today heads the Ministry of Security. The Minister of International Affairs will be academician Juan Batalemi, and among others, retired Colonel Daniel Esteban and analyst and academic Fabian Calle will be advisors to the Minister on military issues.

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