A Hong Kong activist seeks asylum in the United Kingdom and denounces police pressure in Hong Kong

HONG KONG, December 29 (EFI).- Pro-democracy activist Tony Chung, who became the first convicted under the national security law on secession charges in Hong Kong, announced on Friday that after completing his sentence in June, he had arrived in the United States. Kingdom to seek asylum.

The 22-year-old was released on June 5, after serving his full sentence, but remained closely monitored by authorities under a one-year probation agreement, while being required to meet occasionally and not disclose any news. Release him. Refrain from making public appearances or giving interviews to the media.

Apparently, during these encounters with the authorities, he was forced to provide details of every interaction between people, and was also asked to access his bank account statements, or applications for financial assistance, among other documents.

According to what Chung posted on social media, after his release, he was prevented from working in some facilities, which caused his economic isolation, in addition to the fact that the police offered him money in exchange for informing other people and providing information about the victims. Objectives of this.

“For the past six months without income, National Security agents have been pressuring me and trying to tempt me to join them. “I think they know, by knowing my financial situation through my bank statements, that I am going through financial difficulties,” Chung said on his Instagram account.

On the other hand, officials indicated the possibility of organizing a trip to China, stressing that “we can achieve this if you are willing.”

After a period of deliberation, he requested to travel to Japan during the Christmas holidays, a destination he considered the most suitable financially and politically, according to the authorities, where he continued to provide the requested information.

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In Japan, he received immigration advice from the UK, US and Canada as he decided his next step, eventually making the decision to seek asylum in the UK on the basis that “it was the country that provided the most assistance”. Asylum for Hong Kong citizens, which has recently developed a clearer policy towards China.

Thus, on the night of 27 December, Chung officially arrived in the country, where he emphasized that he “will not be able to return to Hong Kong in the near future” and that his plan is to complete his studies and work to the best of his ability to achieve a “free Hong Kong.” .

“Since I surrendered to social movements at the age of 14, I have always believed that Hong Kong is our only home, and we should not be the ones to abandon it,” Cheung said, adding: “I firmly believe that the seeds of freedom and democracy will flourish and we will meet again in Hong Kong Legislative Council.

Hong Kong is searching for eight former lawyers and activists residing in countries such as Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, and police are investigating them in cases of “collusion with foreign powers” ​​or incitement to secession and subversion.

Among the gunmen, who received a reward of HK$1 million ($127,700, 115,518 euros) for information leading to their arrest, are lawyer Kevin Yam, an Australian citizen, and lawmaker Ted Hui, who resides in the oceanic nation.

Likewise, Hong Kong police today issued an arrest warrant for pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow, who is on the most wanted list after skipping bail and failing to appear before authorities on Thursday.

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Chow, co-founder of the defunct Demosisto party, had previously announced her intention not to return to Hong Kong after leaving the country to continue her studies in Canada. Evie


Sacha Woodward

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