Sonoran watermelon is not a source of salmonella in the United States and Canada Grupo Milenio

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Issued) reported that the tests conducted on Watermelon to Sonora Tested negative for pathogenic microorganisms, So they concluded that the product in question was not the culprit. of outbreak Salmonella In the United States and Canada, it left at least six dead.

He pointed out in a statement that last December, the National Service for Health, Safety and Quality of Agri-Food (Senasica) and the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) Samples collected in water, product, live and inert surfaceswhich were analyzed in the diagnostic laboratory for the detection of pathogenic organisms of the National Reference Center for Agricultural Food Safety and Security (CNRIBA) in Senasica.

melon to Sonora

The samples were analyzed Under duly approved laboratory techniques He approved them, and none of them had any lineages Salmonella Sundsvall And Salmonella oranienburg Found in samples conducted in the United States and Canada.

The relevant company alone conducted a sample of the process on November 6, 2023 to determine the presence or absence of Salmonella, The product they received also received negative results for microbiological contaminants.

the Issued He pointed out that cooperation to follow up on tracking melon Cantaloupes, from Mexico to distribution and sales points in the United States and Canada, It takes place within the framework of the Alliance for Food SafetyThrough which health agencies in the three countries work in a coordinated manner.

In view of these results, Senasica issued a circular urging the production, packaging and export sector to produce it melon Cantaloupe to implement and strengthen measures So that they prevent risks during their operations of microbiological contamination of vegetables, in order to maintain their certification in the Contamination Risk Reduction Systems (SRRC).

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Likewise, maintain, monitor and enhance the application of measures aimed at minimizing the risks of contamination and ensuring safety in production melon Cantaloupe for national consumption and export, State Phytosanitary Commission of Sonora, auxiliary organization Licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture, with training provided On topics such as safety and hygiene practices, good management practices, and good use and management of pesticides.

On the other hand, Senasica reported that it will implement a new program to analyze water samples during February. Product and live and passive surfaces in the units Primary production and packaging of vegetables, which will be processed in its mobile laboratory that will be moved to Sonora To check the conditions prevailing in terms of safety in fruit production.


Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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