Science, Good – Alava News Diary

A growing demographic, apparently in support of science, has been exposed to the use of sham treatments or linked to unscientific groups espousing false statements or conspiracy theories

cEvery two years, the Survey on Social Perception of Science conducted by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology gives us a picture of how science works. That day the branch minister was telling it and his conclusion is that science is fine. Not as much as other things that continue to occupy us more time and worry more, but in the eyes of many people. The long year of the pandemic has shown that science is more of our concern than it seems, that there is a lot of wool to go and that there is a lot of work to be done. And attitudes are changing, because this time there has been a significant increase in women’s interest in science, especially in matters of health. Less than men, these many years of This is only for boys It has penetrated deeply, but is being corrected and I hope those of us working towards this are partly responsible for the fact that gender and other social gaps still exist. There is also a growing demand for more investment in science and consideration of the critical importance of people working in science, and everything we experience seems to have prompted that to be the case. Fortunately, public policies are moving in this direction and we hope that it will come true soon, because we have lost many years with expropriation in the time of crisis.

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Not everything is spot on: A growing population that appears to support science, fall into the use of sham treatments, or is linked to anti-science groups has been discovered that espouse false statements or conspiracy theories. and detachment from the use of technology and science for commercial interests. More effort is needed in critical knowledge of reality, and actions that enhance the course of science are required.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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