Scandal in India with Rihanna: The reason her photos were burned at a protest

Rihanna He always uses his networks to talk about political issues. She was a major reference in music to clarify her position in the recent elections in the United States and did not hesitate to show it He acquitted George Floyd’s crime. Now, he showed the protests in India and with a tweet generated a strong reaction from that government and its supporters, who They decided to set fire to their pictures on public roads.

For two months, in the Asian country There are widespread protests by farmers Against the new agrarian reform, because, according to the protesters, it favors big companies and strikes small and medium producers.

He was not the only singer to participate. But with environmental activist Greta Thunberg, they are the ones who have caused the biggest fallout in the world. Thanks to the public demonstration, millions of people were absorbed around the problem.

Earlier this week, the star wrote: “Why don’t we talk about this? “ I am attaching a newspaper article from CNN Describes the situation in the country and denounces the blocking of the Internet in the places where the demonstrations take place. With hashtags #Farmers_Protest Posted by artist Tweet it He received more than 800,000 likes300,000 replays, 45,000 mentions.

The repercussions of the suspension alarmed the Indian authorities and their backers They were offended by Rihanna’s decision to make this visible. After its publication and the publication of the Environmental Guide, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked residents not to take the position of foreigners into account.

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Although at no time did they dare to mention the singer directly, they said: “Before rushing to comment on this kind of thing, they should verify the facts. Tempting hashtags and sexy comments on social media, Especially when celebs and others turn to it, they are neither an accurate nor responsible attitudeThey added.

In the case of Greta Thunberg, her publication went even further. The young woman shared a series of instructions for those wanting to cooperate with the protesters’ cause. The text indicates how to announce the claim everywhere, inviting you to sign petitions and join Indian embassies in other countries to join the demand of workers.

In this context of tension, Activists from the United Hindu Front gathered in the streets of New Delhi to set fire to photos of the singer from Barbados and Thunber. The message was clear: They asked them to stay away from their “internal affairs”. In the photos, released on Friday, you can see how men and women carry pictures of the faces of Rihanna and Tonberg while setting them on fire.

Freddie Dawson

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