Saved from a death eaten by a crocodile thanks to a YouTube tutorial | Chronicle

Crocodiles are without a doubt one of the most dangerous specimens on the planet, they are able to crush their victims with their sharp teeth in a matter of seconds. In this sense, few are the people someone attacked and lived to tell about it.

This is the case Isaac AdidiA 22-year-old who went to spend last Sunday with his partner and cousin at a stream in Cape York, North Queensland, Australia. As he was emerging from the water, he was surprised from behind by a four-meter-long crocodile.

“He tried to submerge me, then let me for a moment and hold my hand to submerge me again.”Adidi explained in an interview with the Australian newspaper The Courier Mail.

At that very moment, the young man was able to recall the advice he saw in a YouTube video tutorial on how to escape the attack of one of these reptiles, which saved his life.

His face was directly in front of me, so with my index finger I tried to pull out his eye. He recalled, adding that this was a strategy “I learned” In a video clip on this social network, it was stated that in order to save yourself from a crocodile attack, you had to do it “He took out his eyesAnd something he tried to implement “Thankfully it worked.”

Isaac Adidi ended up with just his hand in a cast, without serious injuries

A week ago, another man fell victim to one of these attacks by these reptiles and managed to escape alive in Lake Placid in Cairns, in AustraliaThanks to the fact that when one of these reptiles grabbed his head with his jaw, he managed to get away by pulling out his teeth.

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Freddie Dawson

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