Conisit issued a stark warning about the impact of the Code on science and technology

The National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Conicet) has issued an alarming report. It is about the potential impact of the Code of Rules on science and technology in Argentina. This warning adds to the controversy over the regulations currently under discussion in the National Congress.

According to the Conicet Santa Fe report, approval of the Basic Law could jeopardize the institutional stability of various scientific entities. The document, prepared by postdoctoral fellow Gonzalo Bello, JD and Professor, was prepared at the request of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Litoral (IHUCSO Litoral/Conicet-UNL).

The analysis highlights that the regulations contemplate measures that would seriously affect the public employment system and science and technology structures. Among the concerns raised is the loss of job stability in restructuring cases. It is also considering the possibility of automatic dismissal without obtaining prior approval from the employee, and reducing wages for reasons of strike.

Likewise, the report notes that the organic law could lead to the abolition of powers or functions of any scientific and technical organization, as well as the transformation and dissolution of the majority of these entities, excluding some organizations explicitly mentioned in the draft, such as CONICET, CONAE, CNEA and INTA.

In short, the Conicet Santa Fe report warns that approval of the Basic Law could lead to a crisis in the science and technology system.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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