Russia’s activities in Antarctica raise concerns in the United Kingdom

Exploration work carried out by the Russian polar research ship Alexander Karpinsky in 2020 was born Concerns among British MPs Moscow will reportedly try to extract oil from part of that southern territory claimed by the United Kingdom, Chile and Argentina. The Daily Telegraph.

The conservative newspaper echoes a recent parliamentary committee in which some participated Representatives expressed their concerns to government representatives On whether the Russian executive would consider seizing hydrocarbonswhich would violate International Antarctic Treaty of 1959.

This fear is based on the Russian Geological Agency “Rosgeo” admitting four years ago that Karpinsky’s studies had identified some elements. 70 billion tons of oil and gas Buried under the Antarctic shelf.

“There is no evidence of a violation of the treaty.”

Head of the Polar Regions Department at the Foreign Office in London, Jane RumbleHe confirmed this to MPs in the House of Commons (below). “There is no evidence to suggest that the treaty has been violatedSince different equipment will be needed to do topography compared to subsoil exploitation.

He added: “But yes, we are following the matter closely, and Russia has been contacted regarding this issue on previous occasions “(Other signatories to the Antarctic Treaty) have stressed on multiple occasions that this is a scientific programme.” he added.

While Antarctica, where exploration is permitted for scientific purposes only, is not governed by any nation, seven nations have historically claimed parts of the territory, including United Kingdom, Argentina and Chile.

“Diplomatic dilemma”

The newspaper notes that although Moscow asserts that the geological studies are of a scientific nature, “experts are increasingly concerned that they represent another sample of the so-called.” “gray zone tactics” Used by the Kremlin around the world.

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According to the newspaper, these experts believe that “the activities of Rogio ships, such as the Karpinsky – and other infrastructure created by Russia – currently exist.” Diplomatic dilemmaDue to its ability for both civilian and military purposes.”

Sacha Woodward

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