“Relatos del exilio,” the film about the feeling of Venezuelan immigration, is previewing in the United States

“Relatos del exilio,” the film about the feeling of Venezuelan immigration, is previewing in the United States

With the participation of a large part of the crew, its director and executive production, the film “Tales of Exile” was screened last Tuesday, February 27, in front of the press at the Miracle Theater in Miami, USA.

Based on four stories set in four countries, Venezuelan Carlos Fung's film reveals one truth that is the common thread of this poignant feature film, where the common denominator is “voluntary forced” exile.

“This dream started in a café in Paris in 2017. There, a group of immigrant directors met and we each started writing a story. The idea was to make a feature film out of 4 short stories, but time passed and everyone forgot about that conversation except me. “So I decided to write all the stories that today constitute ‘Exile Stories,’” said Carlos Fung, who after several years of searching for financing was able to film the film during 2022.

“Relatos del exilio,” the film about the feeling of Venezuelan immigration, is previewing in the United States

“Exile Stories” stars Franklin Verges, José Ramón Barreto, Héctor Peña, Gabriela Vergara, Norques Batista, Luis Geronimo Abreu, María Luisa Flores, Roberto Farias, Ana Karina Casanova, Nando de la Gente, Gabriel Porras, Stephanie Márquez, Mario Duarte. And Ivana Castillo Show.

The film, which has begun touring in various cities in the United States and soon Europe, will be released commercially to the general public on March 20 in New York; on March 29 in Houston and will return to Miami on March 30. It was also considered for its premiere in Venezuela.

Four touching stories

“Relatos del exilio,” the film about the feeling of Venezuelan immigration, is previewing in the United States

The four stories that make up this film are: “Swamp Monsters”, a thriller [suspenso] Its events take place in the luxurious city of Miami; The second is “Good Doctor,” which is the story of a Venezuelan doctor who immigrates to Chile with his family to start from scratch; The third, titled “The River Brought Us Here,” reflects the life of a desperate Venezuelan mother facing the deteriorating health of her young daughter; The fourth and final one is “Amor en Delivery,” a romantic comedy that tells the adventures of thousands of Venezuelans who work as delivery drivers.

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“Many will introduce themselves, prepared because they will laugh, they will cry; You go from laughing to crying. This is our condition, and this is our daily life. You always miss your people. “Exile stories are for all countries, for everyone, and everyone will identify with them,” commented Norkis Batista, the hero of “The Swamp Monster.”

The filming of these four stories was developed between Miami, Chile and Colombia. In this way, the film stands out for its unique ability to present a rich panorama of a migration crisis that already includes more than 7 million Venezuelans in exile, and also leaves a documentary testimony of the largest mass exodus of this century, comparable only to that which occurred in Syria. And Ukraine.

For more information about the premieres and to purchase tickets, you can visit the website www.relatosdelexilio.com

“Relatos del exilio,” the film about the feeling of Venezuelan immigration, is previewing in the United States

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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