Quadernos’ reason: they prosecuted Roberto Barata and expelled the businessmen from Techint

Judge Julian Ercolini Preparing this Tuesday, August 10, the former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning for Coordination and Control, Roberto Baratta, NS Businessmen expelled from Techintincluding its CEO Paulo Roca, in the investigation of incorrect payments arising from the so-called “NSAsso of the Notebooks of the Fribes”.

Ercolini Consider that the alleged payments shown in the books of the former driver of the Ministry of Planning have been shown to exist, Oscar Centeno, even if Responsibility for entrepreneurs in the multinational group.

This last decision rests with the magistrate who considered the disbursement of funds they were for Avoid “serious harm to the liberty and integrity” of persons who at that time were directly associated with the Italian-Argentine company.

Notebooks complete the Techint bribe route

Dismissal decisions dictated by the judge who replaces the court that was responsible for the deceased Claudio BonadioTechint CEO Benefited, Paulo Roca; company manager Louis Petnaz The person supposed to be responsible for delivering the money Hector Zbaleta.

During the judicial investigation, a Techint director argued that The alleged payments are related to the need for the Kirchner government to implement the formalities Before the administration of Hugo Chavez.

“I understand that despite the behavior he was entrusted with Bitnaz NS zabaleta It could have a criminal connection in terms of its model suitability, I think there could have been a reason to justify, necessitating a dictation the chapterErcolini said.

The career of Roberto Baratta: from a taxi driver and a quinelero to a follower of Giulio de Vido

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“His actions will be like sole and coercive motive to avoid serious harm to the freedom and safety of persons who have served in Venezuela in one of the companies of the economic group to which they belong.

added regarding paratha “The absence of responsibility in the events of businessmen … does not preclude the receipt of money by the official.” It turns out to be behavior that falls directly under the criminal type analyzed“.

The State of the Notebooks began in 2018 after the publication of the manuscripts of Dr Oscar CentenoWhich referred to the trips he made with officials in the Ministry of Planning to withdraw bribes from companies and take them to private offices.

In the case, two years in the judicial process in Federal Oral Court No. 7, there are 47 accused. between them Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Julio de Vido, formerly named Roberto Barata, Jose Lopez and business class.


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