Pope Francis arrives in Quebec and meets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

After a 15-minute meeting with Simon, Francis met for about 25 minutes with Trudeau, who on Sunday was responsible for his reception upon arrival in Canada and who also met him on Monday in Masquasis during the Pope’s apology to indigenous people. On the role of some Christians in the boarding schools scattered throughout the country between 1883 and 1996, about which there are complaints of violations of all kinds.

Francis, Trudeau noted in a statement, “I acknowledged the abuses of boarding schools that have led to the destruction of culture, loss of life and ongoing trauma suffered by indigenous people in all regions of this country.”

After the meetings, the Pope will address the political and social authorities and the indigenous people of the country.

Pope Francis Canada. jpg


Pope Francis traveled to Canada to apologize on behalf of the Church to indigenous peoples for the abuses committed against them over decades in Catholic institutions.

“I apologize for the way in which many members of the Church and religious groups have cooperated, also through indifference, in these projects of cultural destruction and forced assimilation.”The 85-year-old pope said as he read a message in front of a crowd.

The apology was met with applause by a crowd of First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples gathered in Masquaches, in western Alberta, where Aboriginal children were taken from their families and subjected to what is considered “Culture Genocide”.

He admitted that “the policies of assimilation and disengagement, which also included the boarding school system, were disastrous for the inhabitants of these lands.”

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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