Polling in Peru: Electoral jury begins review of votes challenged by Keiko Fujimori and has already rejected 10 appeals

Retired members of the armed forces and police and their families demonstrated against alleged election fraud today, in Lima (Photo: EFE/Paolo Aguilar)

Peru’s electoral jury on Wednesday began evaluating the votes cast by Keiko Fujimoriwhat or what او He was narrowly surpassed by the Socialist Pedro Castillo In the last second round of the presidential election.

National Elections Arbitration Commission (JNE) You must review these requests to officially announce the winner of the June 6 elections, a task can take days and extension suspicion On The second largest copper producer in the world.

After the first hours of the operation, the plenary session of the jury announced Unfounded, by a majority of votes, the first ten calls for applications to cancel Fuerza Popular By claiming that “electoral fraud” was committed.

Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori (Photo: REUTERS/Angela Pons/file photo)
Presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori (Photo: REUTERS/Angela Pons/file photo)

Resolution represents a the previousBecause these decisions are endorsements The independent body for decisions reached by the Special Electoral Commissions (JEE), The lower court rejected 100% of Fujimori’s party resources for not finding evidence to support Fuerza Popular’s arguments.

The Electoral Office stated that it was received in the first place 1,088 requests to cancel polling stations, although 281 of that total were submitted within the legal time limit. But Fujimori’s party insists, citing allegedly forged voter signatures at polling stations, has filed hundreds of appeals that include at least 200,000 votes.

Most invalidity requests for Voices from very remote or poor rural areasHe was the conservative candidate and daughter of former imprisoned President Alberto Fujimori He didn’t have much support.

Socialist Pedro Castillo distributes bread during an iftar with his family on Election Day (Photo: REUTERS/Alessandro Cinque)
Socialist Pedro Castillo distributes bread during an iftar with his family on Election Day (Photo: REUTERS/Alessandro Cinque)

“The jury is obligated to examine these cases,” Lord Flores, Fujimori’s attorney, told the electoral jury judges who began examining the first ten appeals laws. “There are indications of table fraud that a national election jury cannot ignore‘, he announced.

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Castillo party, who seeks Rewrite the constitution, rejecting accusations of forgery and International observers of the process in Lima stated that the elections were transparent. The defense of Castillo’s party, a peasant son and unknown to most Peruvians before the elections, rejected the allegations of false signatures at the hearing.

“We defend the voices of the citizens of this country, primarily about Deep Peru, in front of those who intend to distort the popular will and withdraw the right to vote for thousands of Peruvians “They have chosen a program of profound change,” said attorney Ronald Gamara.

According to a Datum poll, perception of evidence of fraud rises to 85% among Fujimori voters and 50% among Castillo voters, while rising to 56% among those who voted white or flawed (Photo: EFE/Paolo Aguilar)
According to a Datum poll, perception of evidence of fraud rises to 85% among Fujimori voters and 50% among Castillo voters, while rising to 56% among those who voted white or flawed (Photo: EFE/Paolo Aguilar)

The narrow election has led to a deep schism among Peruvians, and rallies are recorded nearly every day In the center of Lima, with supporters claiming Castillo and Fujimori Speed ​​in the process and respect for the popular vote.

Meanwhile, the suspicion and the delay The announcement of the winner has affected financial markets. Peruvian currency Sol , closed stable after reaching its lowest levels in history this week. Meanwhile, the main index of the Lima Stock Exchange was down 0.07%.

waiting for decision, Castillo visited a coastal town located 86 kilometers south of Lima It was hit by a 6.0-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday nightWhich led, according to the authorities, to the destruction of ten homes and the injury of at least ten.

“The state of emergency has no political color”Castillo told reporters, who declared victory in the presidential election after completing the counting of votes, as he was the first to gain an advantage. 44,058 votes.

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(With information from Reuters)

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