Pedro Sanchez questions his continuity after opening a judicial investigation into his wife Spain faces a new scenario of political uncertainty

From Seville

Spain It appears again in a scenario of political uncertainty. socialist Pedro Sanchez His continuity as head of the government was questioned after a judge decided An investigation was opened against his wife, Begonia Gomezabout whom various information has emerged in recent weeks indicating alleged activities related to him Exploitation of influence.

The socialist leader asserts that these accusations are baseless and are a response to a campaign fueled by the right and the extreme right, but he considers that with the accusations against his family a red line has been crossed that he does not wish to tolerate.

In reality, Complaint In the Court of Madrid v. Begonia Gomez Submitted by the Manos Limenas union, a far-right organisation With the courts overloaded with initiatives of clear ideological significance and its longtime president convicted of racketeering, although he was later acquitted in that case by the Supreme Court.

This Wednesday, after the judge decided to pursue the complaint filed by Clean Hands and open the investigation against Gomez, the head of government shared a message on the social network X (formerly Twitter), in which he announced that he would cancel his subscription. political agenda and opened a period of reflection until Monday, when it will announce its final decision.

“I need to stop and reflect. I urgently need to answer the question of whether it is worth it, despite the mud in which the right and the far right are trying to turn politics. If I should continue as head of government or give up,” Sánchez wrote: This is a high honor.”

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The Secretary-General of the Socialist Workers' Party confirms that he never joined this position “despite the caricature painted of him by the political right and the extreme right.”

In the message, Sanchez accuses the Popular Party and Vox of not accepting the results of the July 23 electionsAlthough he stood behind the People's Party candidate Alberto Nunez Viejo, he was able to form a parliamentary majority, gathering the support of all leftist and nationalist formations. The President asserts that not accepting the results prompted the two parties to cross the line of respecting the Prime Minister's private space and attacking his personal life.

According to Sánchez, the strategy of the right and far-right is to dehumanize and delegitimize a political opponent “through complaints that are as egregious as they are false.”

For this reason, the Prime Minister wonders whether “all this is worth it,” to which he answers: “Frankly, I do not know.” “This attack is as serious as it is crude, so I must stop and reflect with my wife.”

The uncertainty raised by Pedro Sánchez's letter in Spanish political life has reached its limit. A president who throughout his career has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to give Effects Which was able to radically change negative scenarios, He could choose to dissolve Congress and call new elections, which would add a new phase to it Election cycle Which began last weekend with the Basque elections and will continue during the next two months with the Catalan and European elections. If so, it will seek to break the current parliamentary dependence that the government headed by Sánchez is suffering from at the hands of Catalan and Basque nationalists and which is causing serious erosion in the rest of the regions.

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But to do so, it will have to wait until May 30, a year after the previous solution, which led to last year's elections. If he decides to resign, it must be the current Congress that chooses his successor, which will open a period of very complex negotiations.

The other option is for him to limit himself to raising the issue of confidence, which, if he does so in a vote that does not require an absolute majority, may give him a political reprieve.

For now, Sánchez's initiative has sparked an immediate mobilization of his party and partners, with numerous calls to defend the government against the right-wing attack in recent days. Socialist Congress President Francina Armengol called for calm after expressing her support for the president. “Those of us who devote ourselves to politics need to think deeply and slowly about where we are going with institutions, debates, and confrontation.”

On the right, they see nothing in Sanchez's move other than a commitment to victimization to avoid having to defend himself against accusations. “Instead of disappearing for five days, he should emerge urgently to provide a logical explanation for the scandals surrounding his party, his government and his partner,” said PP Secretary General Kuka Gamarra. He said: “We condemn that the Prime Minister is betting on harm and pity instead of accountability and clarity.”

Freddie Dawson

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