Paparazzi was going bankrupt “because” of Megan Markle – Telemundo Washington, DC (44)

Photographer’s photo agency, Splash News, has declared bankruptcy after it cannot afford to defend itself against Meghan Markle’s privacy complaint.

The company, which filed its petition Tuesday in Nevada court, cited “financial problems arising from three sources.” One is due to the current epidemic, which has reduced the work of photographers, and the other is due to two legal battles, one of a labor nature and the other against Markle.

“As a result of the global pandemic, the ability to take pictures of celebrities has decreased and the budgets of media companies have been reduced,” explains Emma Curzon, Splash’s bankruptcy president.

As noted by The Hollywood Reporter, the profession of photographers has been particularly affected by the Coronavirus, as paparazzi have been unable to find celebrities on the streets.

“The situation has been exacerbated by two ongoing lawsuits and the costs of defending these cases,” Curzon adds.

The first lawsuit is a labor case lawsuit, while the second is derived from a complaint filed by Markle when a photographer for the company photographed the family and their newborn son, Archie, in a private park in Canada without their consent.

Although the Duke and Duchess of Sussex agreed with the company that the paparazzi would no longer take unauthorized photos of the family, the case was taken to court as a “breach of privacy.”

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“The case is related to issues of freedom of expression under UK law, and unfortunately, it turned out to be too costly for Splash to continue its defense,” the President said.

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However, this paparazzi agency, full name Splash News & Picture Agency, became famous for suing celebrities, such as Jennifer Lopez and William Hemsworth, who posted photos that they appeared on their social networks and taken by their photographers, claiming ownership. rights.

Terry Alexander

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