Panama will introduce new measures to travelers from India, the United Kingdom, South Africa and South America

From Monday, May 3, travelers who wish to do so can take advantage of their isolation in other hotel establishments licensed by the authorities, at their own expense and with prior reservation before boarding or arriving in Panama, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) said. .

They also highlighted that travelers or people who come from India, or who have resided or transited through the UK, South Africa and South America, must bring a PCR test or negative antigen test 48 hours before their arrival on the Panamanian territory.

Minsa emphasizes that this procedure applies to people entering by private or commercial means, by air, land or sea, and upon their arrival on the national territory, they must pay the cost of the second test before registering for immigration.

“We repeat to the residents that every person who arrives to the country from these countries, and even if the test is negative, must complete his isolation for three days at his home, if he is a citizen or resident in the country, or in a traveler control hotel that is not Covid-19,” as they specified.

This measure does not apply to seafarers, technical and auxiliary crews, ship mechanics, drivers, international freight transport assistants, as well as humanitarian workers.

Likewise, the foundation reiterated to residents that although the vaccination process is progressing at a good pace, we must not lower our caution and maintain self-care measures such as correct use of a mask, frequent hand washing, and use of alcohol gel, face screen and alcohol.

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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