Nicaragua: Electoral court rules out Ortega’s main opposition party

by AFP

The Nicaraguan Electoral Court on Friday ruled out the right-wing “Citizens for Freedom” party, which is leading an opposition coalition against the re-election of President Daniel Ortega, in a final decision to escalate the repressive escalation against the opposition in the Central American country.

Command “Abolition of the legal personality of the political party Ciudadanos por la Libertad (CxL)”The Supreme Council for Elections, CSE, announced in a decision read out by the Secretary of Proceedings, Luis Luna, to state media.

The measure leaves the CxL, the main opposition bloc, out of the general election on November 7, as Daniel Ortega, a 75-year-old ex-combatant in power since 2007, seeks a fourth consecutive term at the front’s leadership, the Sandinista de Liberation Nacional, FSLN, left.

The law prohibits illegal political parties from participating in electoral processes.

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The CSE Council made the decision after the right-wing constitutional liberal party, the Palestinian Legislative Council, requested the second parliamentary force and which was accused of collaborating with the government, hours before the repeal of the CxL Act, alleging actions in violation of the law.

According to the text provided by the PLC, the opposition bloc in CxL as national president and legal representative Carmella Rogers Amborne, known in the political sphere as Kitty Monterrey, who “has dual citizenship (American and Nicaraguan), in violation of the notorious law”.

Faced with this alleged infraction, the PLC asked the CSE to “declare all that has been acted upon by the CxL party”.

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In response, the Electoral Court, which was in the hands of the ruling party, revoked the identity card of the CxL chief.

According to CSE, when the head of the group handled her ID card “I used irregular procedures” different names.

He did it completely fraudulently. She alleged CSE, which also accused her of “behaviour outside the legal technical terms and regulations of this class of political organisation”.

CxL pool confirmed Its president has revoked her Nicaraguan citizenship, which leaves her as a US citizen in a complex immigration situation and at risk of deportation.

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CxL’s delegitimization of CxL, which emerged in 2017 as a break with liberalism, occurred two days after CSE banned its vice-presidential candidate, former beauty queen Berenice Quezada, over controversial remarks that upset the ruling party’s echelons.

Quezada, 27, was a partner in the electoral formula for Oscar Sopalvaro, the 68-year-old former head of the so-called “Counter-revolution”. “Democracy cannot be abolished”, Sobalvarro protested on Twitter.

“We have to fight”

It was learned that the directors and members of the coalition are now afraid of arrest, in the context of the wave of arrests that the country is witnessing before the elections.

At least 31 opposition leaders, including seven presidential candidates, have been detained since June, most of them accused of “treason” against the country.

Among the prisoners is Christiana Chamorro, the daughter of former president Violetta Barrios de Chamorro (1990-1997), who has emerged in opinion polls as a potential rival to face Ortega.

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Meanwhile, shortly after the CxL Electoral Court disqualified, businessman Milton Archea, a candidate for the presidency of the Legislative Council, resigned in protest at the performance of his party, founded by former President Arnoldo Alemán (1997-2002).

“My resignation … I think that here in Nicaragua we have to fight for democracy,” Arcia said.

“I am a democrat who wanted everyone to participate, so that the best would win” He added after expressing his regret that his party had surrendered itself to this political maneuver.

With the CxL coalition out of the election, Ortega is comfortably poised to win his third consecutive re-election against five right-wing parties that the opposition has described as “collaborators”.

Show these actions “The illegality of this completely fraudulent and mixed electoral process About a system in which there are no minimum guarantees for respecting the will of citizens,” the opposition Blue and White National Unity Movement claimed in a statement.

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The international community condemned the arrests and legal measures against opponents and demanded free elections.

this fridayThe US has frozen the visas of 50 family members of Nicaraguan officials Associated with the Ortega government, with a total of 150 visas withdrawn since July by Washington.

The United States, the European Union and Canada have imposed sanctions on more than 30 officials and relatives of the president over immigration and financial restrictions in the past three years.

Ortega played down the pressure and said that Nicaragua experienced “more difficult” situations, a reference to the politico-military conflict it faced with the United States during its first term in the 1980s.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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