New Clint Eastwood movie premiere

At the age of 91, Clint Eastwood He’s not ready to say goodbye to the movies yet. With one of the most amazing careers in Hollywood, the actor, director and screenwriter is tireless Announcing his new movie, macho cry, which comes with an exciting trailer as well as a promotional poster.

The American returns to work in a leadership role after that mule (2019) and directing after his last film, Richard Jewell (2020). For this film, Eastwood tampers with the concept of masculinity and masculinity from the point of view of a rebellious young man in tension with a man at the end of his life. Since the concept of macho has defined him throughout his career and personified it himself, he suggested re-reading the term at the end of his career.

macho cry It is based on the 1975 novel by Anne Richard Nash and is due for release on November 12. In his trailer, we can see Clint in a state of surprise representing Mike Milo, a former rodeo star who struggles with his past and is tasked with transporting his ex-partner’s son from Mexico to the United States.

This will mean the beginning of a thin bond as much as it is problematic, as both characters will oppose their view of life from opposite moments of existence and will learn from each other on a journey that also has their share of humor due to the presence of the Rooster. It is called macho.

As we have been used to in recent years, Eastwood presents a movie “with a message”, with great emotional clips, and starring a man haunted by ghosts who at the last stage of his life allows an unexpected event. Rethink and compensate in different aspects, something we can also see mule. The cast also includes Natalia Traven, Dwight Youcam, Fernanda Origola, and Horacio Garcia Rojas. Check out the trailer below:

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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