Neuquén tops the Mountain Bike World Cup

The province is once again the protagonist of a unique global event. this time , Master Mountain Bike The weekend will take place in Villa La Angostura, where athletes from more than 20 countries will be there to rock the mountain sports of southern Neuquén.

This morning, the World Cup activities were launched in the presence of the Minister of Sports. Alejandra Pedicasas, Minister of Tourism Sandro Padilla Mayor of Villa La Angostura, Fabio Stefani; And the owner of Ciro Bayou, Pablo Torres Garcia, Who were so excited to welcome such an important event all over the world.

After the successful 2022 edition, this will be the second time that Villa La Angostura will be the venue, and expectations are growing for this edition as it will compete in two ways, since then There will be 950 participants from 21 countries.

“The second edition of this important event, the Mountain Bike World Championship in its two disciplines, downhill and cross-country, Masters class, under the supervision of the most important cycling organization in the world, the International Cycling Union,” said Minister Badila.

It is estimated that 58% of the contestants will be Argentine, while 42% will be foreign. According to statistics, the event with the highest percentage of foreign participants takes place in Villa La Angostura. There will be competitors from Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, France, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Once again, Neuquén opens its doors to the world, positioning itself as one of the reference points for the sport. And the “county garden”, as it really was, will be a place of residence The World Motocross Championship and the World Open Water Championship.

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Amber Cross

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